
Saturday, March 31, 2012

RookiePainter Entry for March 2012

There are many fun places in blogger land to see others' artwork and challenge yourself with improving your personal art skills.  Some sites I found to peruse other works and to enter art challenges are:

At the Rookiepainter, the current contest in March is to provide a sketch or drawing of this photo of a drawing of a copper pot and a silver pot:

This is my pitiful rendition:

It definitely reeks of rookiness, compared to some other entries, although I think the silver pot is pretty good (watercolor on art card).

Go go the RookiePainter blog to enter the contest and see some beautiful watercolors!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yikes! My Blog was Attacked and Deleted

It is a scary thing.  Google would not let me into my account this morning, saying it had been "illegally hacked, misused or otherwise compromised".  It was down and off world radar for over 12 hours.

But luckily, the problem was resolved within a few hours this morning.  Whatever the problem was...who knows?

Here is a response Ann Althouse received from Google when her blog was deleted about a year ago:
Here’s what happened: during scheduled maintenance work Wednesday night, we experienced some data corruption that impacted Blogger’s behavior. Since then, bloggers and readers may have experienced a variety of anomalies including intermittent outages, disappearing posts, and arriving at unintended blogs or error pages. A small subset of Blogger users (we estimate 0.16%) may have encountered additional problems specific to their accounts.

So could be that happened to me overnight.  Welcome back, viewers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? WOYWW

This happens to be Julia's workdesk; she has a fun theme to follow of  "What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday".

My workdesk is not so fun as Julia shows 'cause it was tidied up a bit.  Note the monitor has Julia's blog up on the screen!

Take a picture of your workdesk on Wednesday and tie it into the theme, adding your blog post here. I'm off to see a couple of the other workdesks on 128 blogs who have linked in thus far.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Atonement: A Pause in Lent

Following up on the Theme for Bloggers put out by Floss at Troc Broc and Recup', here is an article that I find intriguing regarding Christ and the cross, which is what Lent is all about.  The article starts out with the question "what is atonement"?

Excerpts come from a published piece in RedlandsDailyFacts by Gregory Elder, a professor of history and humanities at Moreno Valley College (CA) and a Roman Catholic priest.
The term in English, "atonement," means what it sounds like, making things to be "at one," meaning humanity being made one with God. It is used many times in the Hebrew Scriptures and is found in words meaning roughly "reconciliation." 
In the Hebrew writings, it is made clear on a number of occasions that sin separates people from friendship with God, and the ultimate penalty for human sin is death, as God promised Adam in Eden. (Genesis 3:3)  But God is also merciful and allows people time to repent their sins; death is not instantaneous. In the Mosaic covenant, this separation from God caused by sin was remedied by animal sacrifice.
Father Elder talks about three different theories of atonement: the "ransom theory", the "satisfaction" view and the "demonstration" theory.  Regarding the ransom theory, I found this quite interesting, spurring me on to purchase the old C.S. Lewis classic on my Kindle for a re-read: 
The ransom theory was very popular in antiquity, and is often expressed by my patron saint, St. Gregory of Nyssa. It is a theme of the atonement used by C.S. Lewis in his book which was recently made into a film, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."
This ransom theory, that Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of mankind by giving his life for those who accept his divinity, and canceling out moral debts of humans, is the one I was taught from the cradle.

But as Father Elder postulates, no matter the theory behind atonement, all give pause.  And all views have been excellent fodder for homiletic points for Christ's work on the cross regarding His forgiveness of sin.

 As  As Floss says in relating to the horrific killings in her own backyard in Toulouse last week  
One thing I do know is that people who spend more time forgiving the little things are better practiced at forgiving the big things. 
 To be at one, to be forgiven, and to forgive, to be at peace...atonement.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Man Forest Legend

That ubiquitous symbol of the Green Man is prevalent in European countries.  He is found on doorways and pub walls, in hotel entrances and outdoor venues, and of course, in the forest.  He comes in many forms and looks quite different each time you spot him.

The Green Man that spirit, energy, presence, inherent in every cell of the vegetative realm, and transmitted to the animal/human realms through the foods we eat, the flowers we smell, the trees we hug. He is Pan.

The Green Man I found online is cast iron and is weathering nicely on our back yard gate where he has kept company with the outdoor creatures for just over a year.  Here is our green man, guardian of the gate,  ready for a bit of artificial ivy to be twined around his head when the weather turns a bit warmer.

Yesterday I laid in a supply of green acrylics and will paint our garden shed door with a green man face so that he can keep the dogs company while they play outdoors.  This is a rough picture of the green man I'll paint on the shed bi-fold doors, starting today, hopefully:

Look for an update next week on the Green Man permanently residing on the outdoor shed.  Those acrylic paints last a long time.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Poppies on the Wall and Piper's Journey Shawl

First it was Sheep on the Wall, now it is poppies directly underneath the sheep:

Width: 40"; Depth 36" (acrylics on wall)

And a finished Piper's Journey Shawl:

Now to just frame the poppies with that last rough firring strip of wood.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Little Box of Socks

Schurch and Parott's The Little Box of Socks was one of the first knitting books I purchased several years ago.

The box is literally a cardboard box that snaps open (and shut).  Included are twenty different sock projects; each of the sock patterns are laminated on heavy stock paper for easy portability.

A favorite pattern in the little box is the "Lace Rib Sock", constructed in such a way that knitterly skills are shown off to good advantage.  It is a tightly woven sock and designed for a solid color yarn project.  The yarn is from Blue Moon Fibers, a popular supplier for specialty dyed yarns.  I subscribed to the 2012 Rockin' Sock Club where...
Each Kit that is delivered to your door every other month includes: 
400 yd skeins of Socks that Rock® lightweight or mediumweight yarn in a unique club colourway. (Working from shaded solids all the way through the spectrum to multicolourways.)  
2 (that’s right, two) patterns developed by two different designers for color, form and function. We promise one will be a sock, the other—who knows? Both the patterns and colourways will not be available to the general public for a full year after you receive it. Tina’s Dyer’s Notes explaining each shipment’s inspiration(s). 
Notorious Sock Knitter gear like mini skeins, buttons, stickers and a swag surprise or two. 
A blog and forum for sharing and support. A 15% off coupon good until December 1, 2012. A community of Notorious Sock knitters just like your self. (Priceless!) Each package leaves the Blue Moon barn and heads your way during the last week of January, March, May, July, September and November. Let’s rock the rainbow together!
The first shipment arrived in a beautiful colorway called "HRH Crown Princess of Purple, Violetta."  I got busy on the Lace Rib pattern and completed these:

close up of heel:

 The second of six shipments should be mailed out in two weeks.  It is always fun to anticipate a UPS package from Blue Moon Fibers and to guess the clues on what color and new patterns will arrive.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sheep on the Wall

Why not have some sheep to keep me company in my craft room?  And maybe they could knit along with me. There's an idea.

Folk art has easy lines and is fairly quick to draw.  Inspiration came from Kathy's Needleworks in the form of canvases for needlepoint.  I copied John Blake's sheep from a canvas available at the needlework site.  After sketching them onto the wall, I then painted them in acrylics.  It is about half finished in the above picture.  If the next owner of the house does not want sheep in this room, a quick primer and another coat of paint will cover over the critters.

(Finished: inside dimensions 40" x 32")

Rough cut 2 inch firring strips frame the sheep; they are stained and add a barn-like touch.

But for now, those woolly gals are just making me happy and keeping me company while I knit Piper's Journey Shawl in a celestial blue that is 15% cashmere and 85% merino wool.

 The sheep approve.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Professional Looking Postcards @ Low Price

Find of the week: you can order 100 postcards on heavy stock from Postcards.  And they arrive within the week.

A good value for less than $20, including shipping.  They will be used for thank-you cards, invitations and quick hello's to out of town friends.  When you consider you pay over $3 for about any ready-made card, it was a steal.

The image is glossy and looks very professional (it was uploaded from my computer from a watercolor I painted ten years ago in dimensions of 21" x 25").  Postcards even enhanced the colors.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We Are Painting Rooms

It is a job.  Painting interior rooms, that is.

Thanks to a friend who did all the research finding just the right color for her walls, who was I to question it?  I just copied her paint color choices and bought Behr's Indulgent Mocha in semi-gloss with primer included. It has been 15 years since the walls were painted white, so they were definitely needing color coverage.

To be frank, my job of painting where the wall meets the popcorn textured ceiling is lousy.  So I looked here where it gives the rules.  Following the rules is exhausting, but I guess it is worth it.

The husband has emphatically stated he is not going to help with this project, so wish me luck that my back and arms hold out.  Three walls is the goal.