
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Therapy Dog Now Certified by TDI

Yesterday, Libby the Maltipoo gained her evaluation requirements for registration with the international organization of TherapyDogs. In 2007, over 15,000 handlers and approximately 18,000 dogs were registered with TDI.

Libby passed the qualifying steps of sitting and staying on command, being out of the owners' sight for three minutes without stressing, being able to accept strangers and their attentions, and being nonchalant around wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and crowds (among other tasks).

She will receive her "dog tag" with her picture on it, a laminated card similar to a driver's license, which she must wear at all times while on duty.

Libby also gained her American Kennel Club Good Citizen Award yesterday. Boy, does she look proud!

This is a picture of a 3 pound, 5 oz. Chihuahua who also was tested yesterday at the Mesa County Fairgrounds by certified TDI evaluator Cathy Clark.

And here is another photo from the TDI site of a therapy dog at play with a kiddo who seems to be enjoying the session.

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