
Friday, October 3, 2008

Oxi Clean: Go Green and Make it Yourself

Searching for an alternative to remove stains (aside from commercial products), I looked into the ingredients contained in Oxyclean, one of man's best friends for removing stains stains. According to Household Products formulation, OxiClean consists of hydrogen peroxide and citric acid. It is a product readily available, and on on-line search found it on sale at WalMart for $4.39 for the regular size spray bottle.

At Health To Home, you can make it yourself by using the following recipe to make a pet stain remover that works wonders:

1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide
2 tbsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. laundry soap

Mix all the ingredients together in a spray bottle and shake. Spray stain (even old ones!) and let sit for a few minutes. Use a shop vac, or a towel to sop it up. The hydrogen peroxide bubbles and brings the stain to the surface. When dry, vacuum thoroughly.

You could even add a bit of white vinegar to help battle the smell.

Price to Go Green and Make it Yourself: about 50 cents, according to this price breakdown:

Bottle of hydrogen peroxide: under $1 for a LARGE bottle which will make two full spray bottles of the purchased cleaner
Baking soda and laundry soap $.10 (approximation)
Recycled spray bottle: no cost because one is probably in your trash recycling

And I did make up this formula, and it did work.

So why do we spend 10 times the amount for the brand name? Because they do a heck of a marketing job to us through the media!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this Oxy Clean recipe! I really like Oxy Clean and I can't wait to try the recipe. Hope it's okay, I couldn't help but feature your post on my new blog here:

    I think many will find this recipe useful! Thank you so much for sharing:)


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