
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where are all those American Jobs? Outsourced, of Course

A couple of days ago, I had to reschedule some flights due to an unexpected medical occurrence. Not to worry, United Airlines and Patel, answering the 1-800 number from out of this country, helped me reschedule. This two-way conversation consumed about half an hour, and only after he had to repeat most of what he said at least twice because of my difficulty in understanding his British/American/Indonesian accent.

After our transactions were concluded, Patel asked my level of business satisfaction, on a scale of one to five, with five being the highest level of satisfaction. It took me a split second to decide on the level "3"; an accurate and very generous response, I thought. Patel seemed very disappointed in that response, and you could almost hear his sigh of disappointment in only receiving a "3". He asked me why he had received this seemingly low number. I replied (likely in too much of an exasperated tone) that it was because our half hour conversation could have been transacted in about two or three minutes, if only I could have understood what he was trying to tell me in our lengthy discourse.

Poor Patel, I probably cost him a bonus that day because his customer satisfaction levels with United Airlines was less than exemplary.

Along the same lines, James Lileks tweeted this:


  1. A few years back my printer`s customer service was in India. What a mess. I couldn`t understand a thing the rep was saying and he treated me like a 3 year old. I finally demanded an American rep in the States and that`s what I got. How it was done I do not know. I am so fed up with this outsourced nonsense. I would have rated mine a -1.

  2. Oh I am familiar with that also!  It really iritates me to have the help desk in a foreign country!  I don't have a problem with them, just need to keep the jobs here!

    Enjoy your day my friend!  HUGS!

  3. Oh my goodness, that little Paypal Tidbit just woke me up before bedtime.  Now I've got to wake up and call them in the morning.  The last time I called them, I got a woman with a very strong french accent, so this is something to think about if Paypal is now in the country where so much 419-er activity is.

    The call-center I work for is one of the few tech companies where all levels of the tech support, customer service, and our sales group are in the United States, with 70% of it being in my building....Sometimes I feel like the whole hope of bringing American Tech jobs back to America rests on how well we do...

  4. Agreed. I've been there a number of times.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!