
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Knitting to Beat the Band

Cowls are the magic cure for disguising crepey necks. If the money fairy gave me an extra $10K, maybe that could be fixed, but that is not going to happen.

So here is my latest cowl rendition, knit in a silk and wool blend purchased at I Knit London and found on Ravelry at this site.

The free pattern from Bernat for the baby blanket is finished and off in the mail to Laura:

This 100% hand painted silk fiber, from Cascade Lace (Switzerland), luscious to hold and light reflective, is being made into the lace Norwegian Woods Shawl:

Designer Sivia Harding says about her design:
This top-down lace triangle portrays a forest progressing from winter into spring. Beads grace the bottom edge....This pattern can be upsized by doing more repeats of one or more of the three lace patterns used in the shawl. Note that more yarn and beads will be required if the pattern is made larger.
The repeats are 12 stitches, so I made lettered index cards for the pattern rows from the stitch charts.  It was too difficult to read that chart, and the cards seem to work for me.


  1. Hi there Nancy, I could use one of those neck disquises :)   I don't knit or crochet but it is all so beautiful!  I can't sit still long enough!  Have a blessed day my friend!  HUGS!

  2. I love the dark red kettle nature of the yarn for the first cowl.  I originally ordered some Malabrigo thinking it would be as dark and lovely as your Manos, alas, it's a little too bright.  I might have to go check that Manos out.  Your Projects are beautiful, and your Lace is always amazing!

    PS: Thanks for stopping by my blog, I posted a reply!

  3. Omi S. & BenderOakOctober 20, 2010 at 12:20 AM

    oops, PPS: This is Omi from BenderOakGifts!  I should really pay attention to your awesome comments app for your blog, it's pretty well structured (unlike me, lol!)

  4. LUV your cowl....what will you buy in Paris?


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!