
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 4: Whatever Happened to those Pink Breast Cancer Dolls? 2KCBWDAY4

All those little dolls that were knit several years ago for breast cancer patients....where did they go?

This is Day 4 in the blog along, and the question to answer is this:
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.
There are a lot of different aspects to look at when looking back at a knitting project and it can make for interesting blogging, as much of the time we blog about items recently completed, new and freshly completed. It is not so often that we look back at what has happened to these items after they have been around for a while.
How has one of your past knits lived up to wear. Maybe an item has become lost. Maybe you spent weeks knitting your giant-footed dad a pair of socks in bright pink and green stripes which the then ‘lost’. If you have knit items to donate to a good cause, you could reflect on the was in which you hope that item is still doing good for it’s owner or the cause it was made to support.
Tips: This topic is similar to one we used for the first Knitting and Crochet blog week. This is purposeful and is intended to help the blogger to reflect on past items and refer back to previous posts and projects once in a while.
For Day 4 of the Blog Along, my choice of "whatever happened to your ___?",  I am showing those cute little Breast Cancer Sit-sters I knitted in 2008 and gave to patients undergoing chemotherapy at our local hospital.

(That original blog about those dolls can be found here.)  Several people asked for the pattern, but since it is in the book by Barbara Albright called The Natural Knitter, I felt obligated to refer them to her book, now one of the knitting classics.  The pattern starts on page 16 of the book and goes through page 21.

Amazon is selling the book for only $5.49, well worth it!

So the answer to the question of whatever happened to those knitted Sit-sters is still a mystery.  I can only pray that each of the women who was given one is now cancer free and living a happy and productive life.

Go on over to Eskimi's blog to join in with the blog-along.

"To read more posts on the topic ‘Whatever Happened to your ____"  from bloggers around the world, all blogging today, enter the code 2KCBWDAY4 into Google or your search engine of choice. Happy reading, and happy blogging."


  1. These are great -- my introduction to pliable knitting!

  2. Well, I am not a knitter but sure love looking at what all of you talented ladies create!

    Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  3. Your comment here made me LOL! (...I'm not your mother)

    I guess we never know where our charity projects end up but it's such a nice gesture, I'm sure they were very much appreciated.

  4. The little breast cancer dolls are neat-I have never seen any. I'm not a knitter either, but am enjoying looking at your stuff Nancy!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!