
Monday, May 2, 2011

Twig Art and Lime Buttermilk Chess Pie

SIL Jack sent me a link to twig art by Patrick Dougherty from North Carolina.  Jack took this picture of Dougherty's work displayed in Rock Hill, SC.   Cool picture, eh?
More Dougherty artwork:

From a linked link on the Deep Fried Kudzu website (i.e, the sidebar had a link) the original recipe for Lime Buttermilk Chess Pie was given, and since I am a big fan of chess pie, I just had to make it.  But I digress.  Here is the recipe from Ginger:
1 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar
1-1/2 tsp cornstarch
splash good vanilla
pinch of kosher salt
1-1/2 cups buttermilk
3 large eggs
4 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 tbsp lime juice (I think I actually used a little more. Taste the mixture and add more if you think it needs it, but be careful.)

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

Mix the sugar and cornstarch in a small bowl, add vanilla and salt. Set aside.

In a Kitchenaid, mix buttermilk on low speed until frothy. Add eggs, butter, lime juice. Add dry ingredients. Don't mix for a long time - just incorporate. (my note: the idea is to keep all of this nice and cool. Frank says to cover and put the mixture in the refrigerator for two hours, but again, it was late in the evening.) Pour the mixture when it's nice and smooth into the pie crust. Bake at 300 degrees F.

The cookbook says that this needs to cook for 20-25 minutes, until the filling is just set but still jiggly in the center. At 25 minutes, this filling was only beginning to set at the very edges. It took about an hour for it to cook properly (and again, you don't want it to be completely set in the middle
Here is how it looked after an hour of cooking time:

but with three modifications: 1) added the zest of one lime; 2) covered the edges of the pie crust with foil; 3) cooked it for 60 minutes. Note: this pie was cooked at high altitude, so it took longer to bake.

Ginger at Deep Fried Kudzu says to let it set overnight and it will firm up.


  1. Interesting art! Thanks for the recipe, looks yummy:) Have a blessed Monday! HUGS!

  2. Let us know how it tastes! I've never had Buttermilk Pie before.

  3. The twig art is really cool-what craftsmanship! And your pie looks delicious, hope it was as good as it looks. But, Nancy, I just love your birds! You can pick out personalities and expressions like-from left to right: he looks tired, this one has a blank stare, or is uncommitted to taking part, this one looks mad, and on the far right-he looks befuddled! The colors are great and so is your background! Have a wonderful week!

  4. That twig art is so neat! Also, I'll have to try the recipe out, never had that kind of pie before.

  5. Hi Nancy
    Those are very cool pieces! Great pictures to share with us.

    I have never heard or tasted that pie. It looks might just be something I'll have to give a try sometime..yum because if you know me I love to try new goodies. It sounds very interesting.



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