
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good News!

Instead of linking to a care page, I'll just let my blogging buddies know what has happened to daughter Julie over the past two days:
  1.  She had her chemo treatment, but a week later she had severe nausea.
  2. When the nausea continued to the point that it was obviously not related to the chemo, she was taken by ambulance to her local hospital (20 miles from her home in S. Carolina) and then AGAIN transferred by another ambulance several hours later to Charlotte, NC to the 700 bed Carolina Medical Center for tests on her AV shunt (the AV shunt drains fluid from the brain to the heart to treat her hydrocephalous).  She has had over 100 AV shunt revisions in her life.
  3.  Julie underwent emergency surgery last night to replace the clogged. She is speaking coherently now, has no headaches and has no memory of anything that happened, including her intense pain from the headaches, for the past 72 hours. That short term memory will likely not be regained, and I say "who cares?" as she won't remember that awful time.
  4. Julie is supposed to sit up in her wheelchair for a few hours today while in hospital and will be discharged tomorrow if all goes well.
  5. Thank you all for your prayers and concern!
The other good news is the package of breast cancer clothing accessories that came in the mail yesterday from Cafe Press.

This is the t-shirt I wore yesterday:
It says: "They're Not Real (the real ones tried to kill me)

Here is a hat for Julie going in the mail today, also from Cafe Press:


  1. Oh dear that must have been dreadful for you all. I'm glad she is feeling better, and that she won't have any memories of this nasty pain.

    All the best to you all xxx

  2. Thank you so much for the update on Julie! So glad things are a bit better now & especially that she has no memory of that horrible pain! The shirt & hat are wonderful! xoxo Diane

  3. Oh my goodness, continued prayers! I pray that God will protect her and give her pain free days and healing times!

    BIG HUGS to all of you!

  4. Thought of you while I did the Relay for Life with my youth group. It's an overnight event for the Canadian Cancer Society.
    If I could retain the memories of love and loved ones, I would give up my memories of pain.

  5. I meant to ask about Julie. My gosh her strength is just phenomenal and what a challenge to go through recently. I'll keep her in my thoughts and send positive vibes her way.

  6. Oh, great news Nancy! And a blessing that such intense pain won't be remembered. I hope she continues to progress. And I admire the support from everyone. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Julie.

  7. Love, kisses, hugs and (most importantly!) prayers for you and Julie!

  8. Oh Nancy, what an awful time for you and your family! My thoughts and prayers will continue for all of you that Julie continues to feel better!!!

  9. Oh Nancy, great news! And your items from Cafe Press are fabulous. The shirt is my favorite.

  10. So glad Julie is doing so much better. Those shunt problems are the worst. Cassie has only has one revision so far and they said the length ought to be good for a few more years. (YAY) She has had a couple of malfunctions, one due to her dad's giant sub-woofer speaker in his living room. She is an awesome girl!!! <3

  11. Nancy,
    I'm so, so sorry to hear about Julie's crisis, but glad the worst of it appears to be over. Her tenacity leaves me at a loss for adjectives. LOVED the t-shirt and cap. My love to you both.

  12. I'm so sorry to read of Julie's ordeal but glad that she's better now. And I'm with you, best to forget the bad times.

    I hope her health continues to improve and I'll keep her (and you) in my thoughts and prayers.

    hugs and best wishes,


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!