
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lettuce and a Summer Recipe

Here is a clever idea with lettuce growing in containers attached to exterior house siding:

These are my little pots with leaf lettuce now ready for the picking.  Each clay container will make maybe two large salads at two week intervals.

Along with fresh fruit, this salad will be delish on newly harvested lettuce leaves:
Here is the website for Strawberry and Mozzarella Salad with basil.  Our basil won't be ready for a while, however.  The leaves are still very young:


  1. Wow, what a great idea!! I don't have that kind of siding, sadly, but I love how it looks -- thanks for sharing this!

  2. What time is lunch? That salad looks awesome!!!!

  3. Love those sweet pots full of greens! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  4. OMGosh! That is SO cool! Does the lettuce grow back after you harvest? I don't know why you can't leave comments under your account for my blog. So sorry; what a pain for you. I have it set for anyone to leave a comment as you were able to as Anonymous.

  5. I have greens growing in my gutters, TOO!

    But it's not lettuce.

  6. That is a great idea! Attractive too.

    Fresh veggies and herbs are a treat, aren`t they? I have pineapple sage, basil, Italian parsley and oregano in large pots. I have to keep them in filtered light. Our hot sun and wind are just too much.

  7. I've come back twice to marvel! This is great, and attractive! Your lettuce does look good. And you have plenty. As you take the lettuce, will it come back, or do you just add another pot to grow? I like that it's up off the ground where you can handle it easy. A great system Nancy. Have a great, salad weekend!


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