
Friday, August 5, 2011

A Little Brag, A Big Confession

The Wilhelmina Shawl from the book What Would Madam Defarge Knit? (Creations Inspired by Classic Characters) is finished.   Your can read more when it was  posted back here.  So I am bragging that it is finished, and turned out pretty well.  See what you think:

The sun was not out this morning when I snapped the pictures, so the pretty greens look more muted in the picture than what your eye would see.  But you get the idea.

Over 500 6 mm glass beads were knitted into the border of the shawl in the last two rows.  It really did not take that long using the YouTube video from Random Knits:

But I will confess that I did not follow Chrissy Gardiner's exact instructions on the lace charts because I did not understand it.  The improvisations are ok, but her scarf looks prettier if knitted according to her pattern.  And I added those beads, because it was easier than knitting nupps.  So that is my story and I'm sticking to it.

(Knit pattern is from the first edition hardcover of What Would Madam Defarge Knit has been sold out, but you can order the digital download here.) Details on Ravelry are here.


  1. Wow! Congrats. That doesn't look like an easy project to knit up. Great beads.

  2. I think it looks fine, and nupps are not for everyone. That is a lot of beads - probably gives some fabulous drape.

    This pattern is in my queue for the fall!

  3. It's lovely ... wasn't Madame DeFarge's knitting green, too?

  4. Beautiful! I like the way you have paired it with the jewelry. It's all about the accessories...especially shawls.

  5. Beautiful! You have inspired me to get out my beaded skirt that I am knitting -I checked the craft room and can't find it -but I will-after I get those cards started. It is a half doll's skirt of course not one for me:)

  6. Nice work Nancy. I am partial to green and the beads are an elegant touch.

    I can still hear Ronald Colemans voice in a Tale Of Two Cities and I found Madame Defarge spooky and sinister. You could out knit her any day! HA!

  7. WOW, gorgeous and looks difficult! Great job dear Nancy, HUGS!

  8. It looks great and you have worked it up really quickly. I am very impressed by the number of beads, I don't think my patience would have even held out through threading them, let alone knitting them!


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