
Monday, November 21, 2011

Pillow Cases (the tube method)

My SIL gave me the idea of making pillowcases for charity.  This thought then led me to the idea of sewing a few extra for Christmas gifts as well. They will make especially unique gifts for my five CASA (court appointed special advocate) kids.  Each child has something special about them that I can find a fabric theme to match with their pursuits (music, sports, tv characters, etc.).  There are many great fabrics geared to kids.  Here is something I found with the Dr. Seuss theme from Etsy:

If you give it some thought, there will be many people that will come to mind who might appreciate something made by you especially for them.  And who can't use a new pillowcase, especially if it makes them smile?

A very easy tutorial on sewing three color coordinating fabric cases can be found here on YouTube, sponsored by Missouri Quilt Company.  I watched the video several times, took notes, and started thinking about fabric choices that were on hand.  A quick trip to the fabric store, and I came up with more coordinating fabrics.

Then the fabric pieces above were cut.  But wait!  There was more fabric on hand that needed coordinating fabric edges.   And I needed some Mickey Mouse fabric, too, for a special little boy going through some hard times.

Another trip to Hobby Lobby, and behold!  Twelve pillowcases were on the way to being sewn.

YouTube and Missouri Quilt explains it all, and it is not difficult if you have average sewing skills.  Here are several pillowcase ready to be seamed that are on my machine shelf this morning, ready for finishing.

And here are a few already finished:

Thanks, Charlotte, for this neat gift idea.


  1. Beautiful! I think they are absolutely adorable! Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  2. Hi Nancy..*hugs*.
    Oh my look at you ... that is a lot of work to do 12 pillowcases. The fabrics are lovely. I think if those are also called sausage pillowcases then they are the ones I've made too. They are fun to make ONCE you get the "hang" of them. It took me reading instructions from a couple of bloggers to figure it out. It is a bit testy but once you get it you can't believe how easy it is.

    You will be making some people very happy...
    have a blessed day and Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  3. I've been thinking about sewing pillow cases for my youngest niece and nephew because my family fights over my 40 year old Noah's Ark one for camp. A little embroidery would go a long way, too.
    Love yours.

  4. Very cool! You are such an awesome case, court appointee. I'm sure each child will remember you because of your heart of gold.

  5. That's soooo awesome!!!! I would so love to do something like that with my bin of fabric that's just begging to be sewn!

  6. Wow Nancy, this is great! I am inspired. Your fabric choices are sweet. I`m going to check out the link to making these pillowcases. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Too cute! You have five CASA kids?! They are so blessed!

  8. Really nice art. I like your blog. I think people should take a look. Thank you for sharing.

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Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!