
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Husband's Weekend Work

Bark and a lot of it: 17 square yards that had to be spread out over the front and back areas between grass, shrubs and flower beds:

Before and after pictures with at least 1/4 of the bark still remaining after the work of the weekend.

And on a lighter note, the iris are blooming in our flower beds!

What's blooming in your yard?

(image from art in red wagons)


  1. Good Morning!

    Goodness.. that IS a lot of work to move all that mulch around!

    Gorgeous irises.

    We aren't getting blossoms here yet... maybe just a few bloosoms starting on the crabapple trees.

    Just found your blog, and I'm now following you.

    Looking forward to reading your posts :)

    Have a great day!!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of bark! I am jealous:) Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  3. Well done Mr Nancy!

    Did you feed him up with the carrot/ginger soup?! I hope he liked it. I think 500g of carrots is about 1 lb. But don't quote me on that!!!

  4. Do you rent your husband out?

    The only thing growing in my yard is wildflowers. Self sowing and drought resistant. I love wildflowers! Non native species in my area are devoured by bugs, rabbits and gophers who pull the plants down into the tunnels. Beautiful iris you have there!

  5. What a huge amount of woodchip! your garden must be vast. The iris are pretty. In our garden is one daffodil, apple blossom, forget-me-not, pink heather, wild violets and bluebells that crept in from the woods, a Christmas tree in a pot and my little orange tree in full bloom and fruit despite the wind and rain. It sounds packed but in reality my garden looking very forlorn.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!