
Monday, May 7, 2012

Planting Weekend

Saturday was planting day over the weekend.  Home Depot and Walmart were the places I shopped, purchased and then planted:

Two dozen geraniums in pots

Perennial Sweet Flag grasses and three dozen small marigold plants

Assorted flowers that grow well in sun, like coreopsis

 (established ground cover)
Last, a dwarf Alberta spruce that did not seem dwarf upon planting:

Did you plant over the weekend?


  1. So many pretty new plants. I love the new Alberta Spruce. I think lots of these make the garden so interesting-color all year. Hope you have help lifting it. I adore the little bunny peeking out from the plant.

  2. good for you!!! you had a happy productive Saturday. Still too much danger of frost here in Pa...the nights dip into the low 30's....2 more weekends and we will be sure...can't wait!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  3. Nope, too rainy my garden is tiny so it wouldn't take long, but the lawn is like a swamp so unable to get to the borders for any tidying. Am so longing to do a bit of flower therapy - I did put a new bird feedee up though.

  4. I seem to be planting seeds about every day. Today it was dahlia tubers. I love your spruce-always wanted one. Pretty garden!

  5. Wow!
    You really got a lot done over the weekend.
    Love the flower and plant choices.
    Aren't geraniums gorgeous?!

    We transplanted quite a few divisions from one of my friends gardens. Then, we got a hard frost...and a few of the plants got damaged.
    Oh well.. we'll just baby them along.

    Warm wishes...

  6. It's too cold yet for geraniums, but I indulged myself with marigolds. They seem so unsophistocated and reach back to my childhood. They get a place of honour at the front door.

  7. I love all of your selections. Very inspiring. I have to limit myself to container gardening and haven`t done much of that other than a few tomatoes. It is very dry here, high fire danger and no humidity and we haul our water. Beautiful, beautiful colors in your yard.

  8. SO pretty! I love picking up varieties and adding color all around! Hope you get some good rain to make them grow:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  9. I planted a bunch too. My veggie garden is done and I'm hoping to finish my herb garden soon. I could spend all day in the garden. I only wish Elly felt the same way, but she is often trying to escape to the playground or my neighbor's yard.

  10. You made out like a bandit!!! And, all of my favorites. I only have one geranium so far because our Walmart only had a fuschia color...I want a few bright red ones. Coreopsis and Blue Salvia do real well around here, even in the heat. Love your 'dwarf' spruce! I'll have to make a trip to Home Depot, they usually have a great selection of geraniums and coreopsis. We have Zinnias up and getting ready for buds. I will be planting allysum this week. I couldn't find any at Walmart either! Love the scent. Your header picture is beautiful, and, you have great photos! May is upon us...hugs to you and yours!♥

  11. Hi Nancy..*hugs*
    Oh you are so lucky to be planting! I really love geraniums.they are so hard aren't they. You did a lot of plant shopping and what a nice head start you have to us. We can't plant for another couple of weeks anyway. We've been having rain off and on and the temps have been in the 50s and today 60 but we're expecting better weather after the rain we get tomorrow.
    I can't wait to plant too. You had a great plant selection.
    Thank you for the lovely comment you left for know it brought a tear to my eyes ... but made me smile..*hugs*


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!