
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Flowers in July from Patio; Wordless Wednesday

a few separate ones from the collage...

Being a bit OC, I spend a lot of time deadheading and picking off fallen cottonwood leaves from the patio.

Come on over for some iced tea!


  1. Oh what a beautiful garden! I am smiling when I see gorgeous blooms:) Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  2. Ha ha! I was just feeling VERY badly about my lack of weeding as I looked at your gorgeous garden! Maybe I SHOULD go out and pull a weed or two (or 50!) before it gets too hot.

  3. wow! sooooo creative ~ lovely area and fun too! ~ great photos ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  4. How lovely to live among all that. I love your little garden accents esp the turtle.

  5. Ha ha - OCD - that's me! deadheading flowers is something I do too. Where did you find that dragonfly?!!! I love dragonflies and am very jealous. Bettyx

  6. Pretty, pretty. Nancy your yard is gorgeous.

  7. Delightful! These photos really made me smile.

  8. What a beautiful patio display. We've kept our gardening at close quarters this year, and are able to keep the plants and flowers alive easier.

    This is so lively and lovely. And, you're good...if you can make yourself deadhead, you can keep it going. I cut back my petunias the other day, leaving a couple of inches of height where there is new growth, and they will come back again.

    Have a lovely weekend Nancy!♥

  9. Nancy..
    What beautiful flowers! I love the little humble marigolds... such an under-appreciated flower; at least around here!

    I love your garden art pieces also.. beautiful and charming .

    Smiles :)

  10. Hi Nancy...
    I will be there in 5! Your garden is so beautiful. No wonder your plants are so very healthy and full of flower. The collage is amazing.

    The animals and other figurines in your garden make it complete. A lovely spot to sit and enjoy tea....

    have a great day


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