
Friday, August 24, 2012

PPF and a Bee Sting

Participating in PPF, still the same canvas, still using oils, but not much work being done with it

because some ground bee bit my left hand two days ago leaving it swollen, red, itchy and uncomfortable.  Damn bee.

right hand not bitten:

See? Poor, pitiful me.

Benadryl in my body and salve on my hand, I'll be checking out others artwork on PaintPartyFriday.


  1. Nancy your poor hand looks so painful and swollen - hoping it heals quickly for you. Your butterflies are coming along nicely - the blue one is really nice. Betty x

  2. Your artwork is looking lovely and soon your hand (ouch!) will be painting again ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Wow! I hope the swelling goes down soon. I am allergic to ant bites. I always keep Benedryl on hand too.

  4. Gosh your hand does look ouch! I love the painting, altho I cannot use oils at all- they give me a headache. Am going to add your blog to my list of faves to visit you more often. Happy PPF and hope hand heals soon.

  5. OH Nancy, I am so sorry about your hand! Those stings can be SOOO painful and your swelling is significant:-( But your butterflies are beautiful. I really like what you did with the background too!

  6. oooh your poor hand, hope the swelling goes down soon and stops being painful. Loving the work you have done. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. I love your work too~I hate those nasty ground bees-I think they are worse when it's so hot and dry.

  8. Oh boy, poor you. That looks painful. Hope it heals soon.

  9. OMG Nancy! That hand looks bad! Hope the benadryl and salve help-are you lefthanded? However, your butterflies are looking good. Yah! Hope your hand gets better soon...evil bee! Hugs to you!♥

  10. Gorgeous, shiny butterfly painting!
    Hope your hand is feeling better soon.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  11. Ouch. I will cross my fingers for a speedy recovery. In the meantime, I am loving what you have done. :)

  12. Wow! That looks incredibly painful! Here's to a speedy recovery.

  13. Ow! Ow! I hate getting stung! So sorry it happened to you.

    On a better note, I love the painting and looking forward to seeing the finished work.

  14. Oh your poor hand! Hope it is better by now!
    Your WIP looks lovely!

  15. Oh no! I'm sorry that nasty ground bee stung you! My son-in-law had a mean wasp crawl inside his pant leg and he was VERY swollen as well. Get well soon, Nancy!

  16. so sorry for your owie! doesn't look fun at all. hope it's healed by now. HPPF on Sunday.

  17. The yellow one in the middle looks like a fairy! Is it?

    Sorry about the hand!

  18. Hi Nancy
    Oh myyyyy your hand is really swollen! Those darn bees are around the cottage too and just way tooo friendly at least sticking by too close. I don't like them for sure. I'm glad you aren't more allergic to them because that bite was bad enough.

    Your canvas butterfly work looks so good so far...I know you want to get back to it. I hope your hand is better today..


  19. Ow, that looks painful! Lovely painting! Hope your hand heals soon!

  20. The sting looks so painful. Hope you are on the mend this morning.


  21. Ouch. Or maybe, Itch.

    Hope your hand feels better soon--

  22. oh wow!!!! the butterflies are amazing....sorry about your bee sting....

  23. Owweeeee:( I had a bee sting recently too, it hurts! Have a blessed day among the butterflies! HUGS!

  24. Ouch, so sorry, I know that hurts. I look forward to seeing more of the butterflies. Blessings, Janet PPF.

  25. oh my goodness! what did you get stung by?


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!