
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wildflowers Part Deux

Being jazzed up by my wildflower visit to the Colorado mountains last weekend, I decided our flower beds in the back yard needed a make over.  And why not plant some wildflowers while I was at it?

After removing two dozen or so iris bulbs, clearing off the leaf debris from our cottonwoods which shed leaves all summer due to the low rainfall, I was ready to start planting.

Thus far here is the gardening score:

Purchased columbine and lupine this morning and planted:

Transferred yellow columbine: two plants:

Planted Bluebells: two plants:

Planted Penstemon: one plant:

Tended this ground cover which I am not yet able to identify, but it is doing well:

Shopped in my herb garden for dinner tonight (sage, parley, basil, oregano, tarragon, chives):
And here are morning glories about ready to bloom and some planted three weeks ago:

Transferred clematis: one plant, transferred delphinium: two plants. Transferred ground cover from top bed to prayer garden below.  Transferred two iris bulbs in prayer garden.  Husband chopped down 6 foot shrub and I cleaned off the debris.

Showered, ate yogurt and cereal, shopped, gardened and blogged and it is now 11 AM.  I am pooped already!  What is on your Saturday morning schedule?  Whatever you do, I hope it is relaxing.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Great work and a busy morning! My wildflowers rarely survive. Not sure what happens to them, but we do have plenty of slugs and some wild bunnies visit now and then (those little guys don't have access to our bunny playpens). Now the two dogs don't give me much of a chance to plant in the back. We're presently waiting for our daughter to call for help in moving out of the dorm and into an apartment. That's a fun Saturday.

  2. You DID get a lot done this morning! Don't you love morning glory leaves?
    I have crazy-big iris, too. This year my day lilies are way too big. I need revamping and you have done a beautiful job doing just that!
    Everything looks wonderful, Nancy!
    Happy Saturday!

  3. It all looks very pretty Nancy, I especially love your herb garden. In the UK we have had such heavy rains that my geranium and petunia have all got battered, roses are doing well, my lemon bush is laden, infact I had a lemon from it today. I had the whole day at home reading and an afternoon sleep (I'm on a holiday at home for two weeks) so nice to do not a lot! Bettyx

  4. Beautiful plants and herbs! I have been out of town for a week and I am sure my yard needs lots of attention! Have a blessed day and thanks for inspiring me to get outside! HUGS!

  5. I love how you're so connected to nature, Nancy! Can't wait to see the burst of wildflowers.
    Do your herbs just grow in pots? Do you have to maintain them so they don't expand and hog up room?

  6. I love fresh basil from my garden! Me and my family used to make home made pizza with herbs we grew freshly year round, but recent weather has stopped us partially and slowed us down. Beautiful garden, god bless and happy gardening!

    -Tony Salmeron


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!