
Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing a Blog Party Hosted by Inspiration Avenue

Blog Hop and Tea Party!

It's a magical get-together; an event
to get to know all our friends and to see where
they create and write!

So we invite each and every one of you,
old friends and new,
to set the table for a FAIRIES' TEA!!

Call all your fairy friends and bring them along for
weeks of magic, inspiration, and fun  Go to "read more"  for all the details!


This is how you can play along
and be eligible to win some lovely prizes from
the Inspiration Avenue team:
Grab our Invitation Badge from the side bar 
by copying the html code in the little box, 
and post it on your blog.

Send out invitations to your Fairies’ Tea by 
writing a little blog post now, inviting all your friends 
and any fairies you know!
Send them over to Inspiration Avenue as well!


When you sign up to join the party,
you are automatically entered to win
one of many giveaways. Visit the
Freebies and Giveaways page
to see what's being offered 
by Inspiration Avenue members 
and their fairy friends!
Post a link to your blog (where you will have 
the badge in your sidebar and a post telling 
 your friends about the party) in the
Mr Linky section of this post and we will add 
your name and blog address to our list of party hosts.

By the day of the party (September 23, 2012) 
create a second post ~ the actual, festive 
Tea Party post on your blog.

Set the table!

Take photos!

Hand out prezzies and little gifts
to your esteemed guests!
 (If you would like to offer a giveaway of your own,
post it on your blog as a way of attracting 
more friends and followers)

Maybe even invite the Fairy Queen!
(I've heard she is quite interested in the party plans)

On the day of the party, we will ALL come 
and have tea with you and your fairies!

Sound like fun?

We hope you will join us!

On September 23 
 check our sidebar for a complete listing. 
Climb in your Fairy Wagon, go visit everybody 
and see what kind of Fairies Tea they have!

The Rules (again)!

1. Place the Party Button on the sidebar of your blog

2. Spread the word
by doing a blog post telling everyone about the party

3. Sign up with Mr. Linky below

4. If you sign up and find you can't participate then please send us an email so we can remove you from the list.

5. Have your Fairies' Tea Party posted by September 22 so that it will be up and ready for our international participants.

6. Check out our Freebies and Giveaways page HERE as the weeks draw close to the party

7. HAVE FUN!!!! Visit and comment (and follow if you like) all the blogs that are having a Fairies Tea!

Remember, the giveaway winners will be drawn from
the party participants. Sign up here to participate
as well as to be entered in the drawings! 
Visit the Giveaways Page to see what you could win!

With fairy wishes from the Inspiration Avenue Team

P.S. Our art challenge will still be running weekly during the party 
on Inspiration Avenue's Home pageJoin the latest challenge there!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!