
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mme Ramotswe & Pumpkin Soup

Purloined from others' blogs and the Soulbrush Etsy store for a rendition of Mme Ramotswe, as well as the biblical verse that says "what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun", I bring you a post today about Pumpkin Soup.  Nothing original.  But tasty.

Source; Soulbrush Etsy Store here

You will recall that Alexander McCall Smith's character Mme Ramotswe generally went home from her Number One Ladies'  Detective Agency and made pumpkin soup for dinner.  She did it so often that it must have been tasty.  And because she was of "traditional build", I'll just bet she added cream to that soup more often then not.

So I made some pumpkin soup yesterday and felt just like Mme Ramotswe must have felt preparing this recipe, right down to her swollen ankles.  The delicious recipe was found on the delightful blog of Mrs. Thomasina Tittlemouse; the link to her soup is here.

So I roasted up a pumpkin and went to work on the soup.  I did add cream, which Mrs. Tittlemouse did not, so it made for a more calorific dish, but was it yummy!  I also added quite a bit of red pepper flakes and curry spices, as well as S&P.

Maybe pumpkin soup is not a new idea, but it was the best soup under the sun yesterday!


  1. Hi Nancy!
    YUMMY! I think pumpkin is different all over the world. We had some pumpkin fries in Australia that were so sweet and mealy!
    I wish I could taste your pumpkin soup! I do like Mme Ramotswe very much!
    Lovely art, too!

  2. Mme Ramotswe looks splendid here on your page. I know she will have made pumpkin soup- as I did growing up in South Africa too. I LOVE pumpkins in any form. I grill slices of it in the ovenwith pats of butter- or oilve oil and some brown suger- yum yum. Thanks so much for including her Nancy.

  3. Smith's novels are among my favorites and I love the description of Mme Ramotswe being of "traditional build."

    The soup looks delicious.

  4. Mmmm...tasty. I love, love, love those books. The characters are the best.

  5. What a lovely post! Love that pic of Mme Ramotswe! I bet her pumpkin soup was the business! As yours looks as though it was! That sunny colour is just fabulous. And what a good idea to add some red pepper flakes and curry spices. Love your quotation from Ecclesiastes - almost my favourite book in the whole Bible. For a crafter's interpretation of ch 3:1-11, you might have a chuckle at at my post back in the spring. This is the link address if you're interested:
    Blessings to you and yours this weekend coming up.
    E x

  6. Looks SO yummy:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. Your pumpkin soup looks very good, but, I just don't know if I could sup of it. I love pumpkin pie and bread, tho! That's a very nice photo of the little pumpkins and squash!

    Nancy, we're heading for the 50's in Fort Worth tonite, hear tell! I can't wait, then, I'll be thinking of your pumpkin soup. Have a great weekend friend!♥

  8. This does sound, and look, very, very delicious! I must seek out the recipe on MrsTT's blog :D

  9. Yummm!! That sounds so good...and fits right in with this cooler fall weather!


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