
Saturday, December 15, 2012


to look a lot like Christmas in our house...

Right down to a cute old fairy type elf who watched me make lots of cookies today.  Yes, I burned one last batch thinking the timer was telling me the oven was still on, but it kept beeping because there were cookies ready to be taken out of the oven.  That oven and I had a bit of a communication problem.

The gingerbread men recipe called for unsulfured molasses.  I used blackstrap molasses.  The recipe is here.

Mr. Fairy Elf must have sneaked a crumb of a cookie because his expression looks like a piece of it got caught under his denture.  His little cheeks are so cute and red from the cold ... or did he get into the amaretto again?

Happy Saturday!


  1. gingerbread looks good - I am not a good cook but really enjoy making things this time of year, your home certainly looks festive Nancy, isn't this the most enjoyable time, the preparation and anticipation of Christmas. Betty x

  2. Hi Nancy, I love your photos. And, your Holy pictures look a lot like the ones I was given for learning prayers at catechism classes in the mid 1950's. I still have them, and actually made a few bookmarks for gifts with them this year. I scanned them into my computer-they scanned in beautifully, then made bookmarks and laminated them.

    What an adorable elf...don't blame him for getting into the gingerbread, and, amaretto. Wonderful looking cookies, yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Happy Day Nancy!♥

  3. I bet your house smelled wonderful with all the cookie baking!
    You really have a big collection of religious paintings. Quite amazing!

  4. Mmmmmm! I'll be right over. Put the kettle on!

  5. WOW...beautiful Christmas decorations! Wishing you a very happy holiday season!

  6. Loving your sweet decorations and cookies:) Have a blessed week dear Nancy, HUGS!

  7. Yes, it certainly is looking, (and I am sure smelling!) very Christmassy! Love your little icons especially among the fairy lights and your gingerbread looks delicious. You did make me laugh about the elf with crumbs under his dentures! I think he thought a quick swig of amaretto would wash down a sampling of gingerbread nicely!! By the way what's the difference between unsulfured molasses and blackstrap, please? I think over here all you can get is the one type but I'd be interested to know what we're missing out on! Happy Christmas preparations, Nancy! E x

  8. Yes, I'll bet your house smelled wonderful today. Love the photos. I'm especially fond of icons. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Lovely icons ... Blessings of the Theotokis!

  10. What a fun house you live in, Nancy. I didn't know there were different types of molasses.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!