
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Haps in the Household

What is happening in your world?  Mine, not so much.  Mainly the Mr. and I have been involved in taking care of our wounded pet.  Wounded neither by man nor beast, but by her own exhuberance and increasing age.

Libby Sweetpea, therapy dog and healer of the mind, had a torn ACL.  At six years of age, this is not too uncommon.  She took a flying leap off the back step, as usual, but that one leap ten days ago left her in pain with the liklihood of permanent disability if she did not have surgery to repair the tear.

So she underwent a tightrope procedure and spent one night at the animal hospital.  She probably did not miss us near as much as we missed her.  This was her little shaved leg a few days ago; she was recuperating on the lap of the Mr.

This is how Libby's dad remembers what to do for her and when to do it.  I thought it was cute that he wrote it all out.  She does not mind doing her range of motion exercises too much, and just whimpers a bit when it hurts.

Libby this morning:
I am feeling much better, thank you.

This is a pair of Faceted Rib Socks in progress:

linking to Tami at Works in Progress Wednesday

Tomorrow I am heading out to Las Vegas to play in a Scrabble tournament at the Riviera Casino and Hotel. There will be 56 competitors.  Can you find me in this listing?  Please wish me lotsa luck!

Take at look at 313 five letter J words here that I will be studying today to prepare for the tournament.


  1. Go Nancy go! Yay for you, smart word person!
    Poor pooch! I'm so glad she is well taken care of!

  2. Oh girl, I wish you MUCH luck in that Scrabble tourney! I found you right away! Hope the puppy feels all better soon! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Poor puppy! Glad to hear she's on the mend!

    Love your faceted rib sock. Very nice yarn for it too!

  4. Poor Libby, I'm glad she's feeling better.

    You are a Scrabble Goddess!! I'm awed...I love Scrabble but think I will not play with you lol! The best of luck to you in the tournament!

    Love the socks too :)

  5. Aww poor doggie. Hope she is feeling better. My mom is a whiz at scrabble too.I try to win against her but it is pointless.

  6. Poor Libby!

    Have a good trip. Your skill is so impressive. It makes me smarter just knowing you. :)

  7. Good luck with the scrabble tournament. Little Libby is so sweet - get well soon Libby, Betty x

  8. I hope Libby is back to herself soon:) She is so cute.
    Good luck at the tournament!

  9. I hardly know where to begin! Kiss the doggie for me, good luck at the tournament (I love Scrabble) and where can I get the recipe for those socks?

  10. Nancy I know you will do well in Las Vegas.

    Poor Libby. That must have been painful. She is so cute. Looks like hubby has the nursing care well in hand!

  11. Libby is kind of like us, isn't she? Just thinks she can jump through hoops forever, haha! She is such a beautiful little lady, Nancy, and, I'm glad she's feeling better.

    I did see your name 2nd on the list...does that mean you're way up there? As you might guess, I've not played much scrabble. But, I wish you the best of luck, and, fun in Vegas! Be safe!♥

  12. Oh, sweet Libby. So glad she's healing.

    Good luck to you in the tournament1

  13. Suzanne, don't be impressed that I am 2nd on the list because this is the LOWEST level (there are 3).

    Thanks for good wishes and petting Libby on the head (virtually).

  14. Oh, how exciting. I hope you win!!!

  15. Oh wow! You are a hardcore Scrabble player. This is the first I've heard of an official tournament in Vegas. Good luck.
    Poor doggie. I never knew a dog could have such an injury. I hope she mends soon.

  16. libby sweetness..
    feel betterlil'one

  17. Ooh, how exciting! The very best of luck to you! I adore Scrabble and I would love to be a spectator watching masters at work!! I came over to find your Pause for Advent which I can't seem to find but it was very nice to see these posts!x


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!