
Friday, March 1, 2013

Camera Returned: Pictures from Scrabble Tourney

Phew!  My camera was returned today via USPS and all is well.  I had left it in Las Vegas, but kindly tournament director Mark mailed it back to me, along with all my notes and picures.

First, may I introduce Miss Betsy Chai from Calgary, CA whom I played in the tournament last week.  Is she not a doll?  Please don't think I am being too friendly, Betsy, in saying that.  Eric, the man in her life, thinks so too!

Below is a picture of Olobatoke, Chief of Kabba, from Abuja in Nigeria.  His grandfather was the King of Kabba, elected by the families in his tribe.  Chief Toke, as he is called, plays the Collins dictionary.  Chief Toke, or Toke, is also the President of the Nigerian Scrabble Association and has served since 2009.
Talking with Toke was a treat, and he was patient with me as I tried to get all his family history down correctly.  He might also become King of Kabba if elected by his community of a dozen families.  As current Chief, he is a magistrate and settles disputes and gives advice, generally in charge of administrative and civil matters in his tribe.  The picture below is of Toke playing in the tournament.

Next, may I introduce Bassey Umoh.  He lives in the southern part of Nigeria in the state of Akwa Ibom.  He speaks not only English, but his native language is Efik/Ibibio.  Umoh has been the State chairman of the Scrabble Association in his area since 2012, and also plays in the Collins Division.

Umoh works as an auditor for his state government.  This is Umoh, and standing beside him is Sam Kantimathi who organized this tournament. Sam is from California.

 Umoh, on the left, mostly wore a business suit during the tournament days, but doesn't he look handsome in this blue?  I failed to ask him about this outfit, so I really do not know if this is what he might wear in his off-work hours.
We did some sight-seeing and I was amazed at the ceiling of the Belagio Hotel that was covered in colored glass that featured this work by artist Chihuli.  The picture does not do it justice.
Since it was the Chinese New Year, all the hotels were beautifully decorated in red with the Year of the Snake being emphasized.
And I just have to show you some women at the reception desk wearing those killer six inch heels.  Will they be able to walk when they are 50?
Sam put on a good tournament and was ably assisted by Director Mark Milan.  They do this for the love of the game.  Thanks, gentlemen!


  1. Oh how fun! I know you had a wonderful time! SO happy that you got your camera returned:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. Wow! What a lot of bright colors for all that good thinking!
    I'm so glad you got your camera back, Nancy!

  3. I hope you had a great time! It looks like a lot of fun. I am crazy for Scrabble, but I don't think I'd fare well competitively!

    I could wear six-inch shoes .... so long as I just sat down and wasn't expected to walk in them! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  4. What beautiful people you spent time with.

    Those heels! I keep seeing young women in them and thinking about what kind of shape their backs will be in when they are 50.

  5. Super cool learning about others at this tournament. I loved their stories. I believe all the youngins dress up n Vegas now with stilettos and all.


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