
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chicken Curry from the Hairy Bikers

BBC2 runs "Mums Know Best" and features the Hairy Bikers on many episodes.  Sadly, in the US, we are unable to access that programming.  But you can keep up with the Bikers on print media.  And they have at least a dozen excellent cookbooks, one featuring curries.  This is their website: HairyBikers

The hub and I made one of the favored recipes for chicken curry.  The recipe can be found here.

The spices make the dish perfecto!  (add salt and pepper, of course)

Served over rice, it was very tasty.  This will be a repeat.
Next on the menu docket is chicken tikka masala, one of my favorite Indian dishes.  You can find the recipe here for an easier version.  And if you really want authentic, a naan recipe can be found here.

(Source: Food Network)


  1. You have an awesome work space, Nancy! I've read about The Hairy Bikers at Dormouse's blog. That recipe looks delicious! Thank you for popping by and saying such sweet things, friend. Oh! I'm looking up that book now! Thank you!

  2. Hi Nancy, my mother is from India, so I've had chicken curry and I love it. I miss my mom's curry, it's very good. Yours looks really delicious, everyone's version is different. I make it sometimes, but it's a lot of work, and the spicy vegetable dish with potatoes and cauliflower is wonderful too. Your post is very I'm really hungry for curry.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Yum, as you know I love curry! Sorry you can't watch the Hairy Bikers in your part of the world, we are lucky here and enjoy watching the series - hubby likes their cooking style. You have a nice big kitchen to work in. Betty x

  4. Your chicken curry looks fabulous - I love things like this made from scratch with all the individual spices. Your chef clearly knows what he is doing which is always the other magic ingredient of these things! Love your new blue blog header, Nancy! E x

  5. Those both look SO yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe links:) Have a blessed weekend dear Nancy, HUGS!

  6. These are tasty looking recipes! How funny the name Hairy Bikers. I like the clean, fresh look of your blog for spring.

  7. hehe
    The Hairy COOKS-- Love the banner and background too so cute !!

  8. Love it!
    It's lunchtime as I read this. Those photos are making me really hungry.


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