
Monday, March 25, 2013

Last Week in Lent

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Driven by the Spirit

"And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness." Mark 1:12

After Jesus was baptized, he directly went into the wilderness where he was tempted for 40 days (called the Lenten season) where he prayed constantly.  As we near the end of the Lenten season and await Easter Sunday, our church had a beautiful Palm Sunday service yesterday.  It is always one of my favorites services during the year, with palms waved high above and palm crosses worn by parishioners.

Next we celebrate Maundy Thursday with communion.  An excellent article entitled "Living into the Banquet Feast" can be found here and is definitely worth the time to read.

Now we also await Good Friday, and three days of contemplation commemorating the time before Jesus' resurrection.

Thanks to Floss for hosting A Pause in Lent again this year.


  1. That post you had linked certainly gives me a lot to think about. A lot is taken for granted in this life. Compassion and appreciation needs to be practiced more.
    What was Jesus temped by during the 40 days? Typical stuff?

    1. Jesus was tempted by Satan to denounce that He was the Son of God. Satan offered him everything if he would do that. But Jesus overcame the temptations in the wilderness, came back to Jerusalem, was hung on the cross with two thieves on either side of him, and died on what Christians now call Good Friday. All these actions took place within a few days.

      He rose from the tomb after his death three days later to fulfill God's prophecy. (Easter) The entire story can be found in many scriptures and in many books in the New Testament.

  2. One of the highlights of my University years was actually meeting Stanley Spencer, in the little chapel where he painted, near Cookham.
    (You've had some odd comments today, haven't you/)

    1. Wow. To meet Spencer must have been quite the experience. I keep looking at his work through a blog I like ( features a lot of his work.

    2. oops; the correct url is:

  3. Yes, a special week. Much to think about this week, as during all of Lent, but so much more.

  4. Easter is almost here! Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!


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