
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Morning Tea and a Game for Boys

What fun to share time with friends on a beautiful almost-summer morning.  Gal friends gathered in our back yard today for cold drinks and cucumber sandwiches and good conversation.

The little finger bites of vegetables and bread and butter were quite good; the picture above shows it made 24, less one previously consumed for quality assurance purposes.  Here is the recipe used for the cucumber sandwiches:

And I should have made a double batch.  Next time.

One momma brought her boys after swimming class to join us. Are they not just darling?  And smart, to boot!

The boys were offered 10 cents each for every "face" they could find in the garden.  The husband and I made a game of it last night while sitting outside and we found 39 faces in the garden. The boys came up with 40!

 Here are a few of the faces found in the garden:

Thanks, friends, for a fun time!


  1. Cute pics of the boys! Thanks for a great morning. We really enjoyed the time. Your yard is beyond beautiful!!

    1. I had much more fun than anyone! Thank you for sharing your wonderful buoys, , Jan!

  2. Sounds like a great time! I love all the faces found in your garden. How fun! And beautiful as well!

  3. fun, I like your garden dragonfly. Cucumber sandwiches I think is a very British thing!

  4. What a lovely way to spend a summer morning! And I love the fact that your garden has so many hidden faces. There's something rather profound about that. Makes one think about the faces one cannot see as well as those one can. Thnak you for sharing this - you've inspired my morning! E x

  5. Oh that looks like fun and those sandwiches look YUMMY! Sweet faces in your garden! I enjoyed my visit with you:) Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  6. Hi Nancy! That does look fun! You have a cool garden!

  7. Hi Nancy. Your sandwiches look very good, and what a fun game for the boys! Your garden faces are fun faces! Sounds like a wonderful morning. Have a great weekend-it's good to see you!♥

  8. It is always fun to get together with treasured friends, yeah? I love entertaining and cooking for others, but it's stressful at the same time and hate cleaning, LOL. Those boys are darling. What a fun treasure hunt for them.


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