
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Let's Do This Again

Since last week's dyeing concoction did not go so well (previous post), a few corrections to the marigold dyeing process were made yesterday with very differing results.  New process was to
  • cut off flower heads (check)
  • simmer flower heads in 1/2 gallon of water for an hour (check)
  • strain flower water, discarding the flowers and retaining the water for day (again, did that last week)
  • mordant the wool in 1/2 tsp. alum and 1/2 gallon of water for one hour over simmer (different than last time as I used vinegar for the mordant)
  • place wool skeins into the dye bath and simmer for one hour (same as last week)
  • over-dye that ugly skein from the first dye bath last week by re-dyeing it in this week's concoction (check, but with rapidly beating heart)
  • retrieve wool from dye bath and rinse under cool water several times to remove dye left over in fiber
  • enjoy the scent of the marigold water and marvel at the color of the golden dye bath water
  • delight in the resulting pretty colors (different from last week)
Here are the results, with plenty of seeds saved for next year's garden:

The skein on the right was the prior seaweed color.  Now it is a deep golden.  The wool on the left is a pretty and bright yellow, having started out as a virgin white wool.

Another picture of the bright yellow wool:

Yea! I am happy, happy, happy!

This will be used to knit a Fair Isle tam, using one of the patterns used by the Scottish women in the knitting guild whose pretty hats are shown below.

Thanks to the commenters last week who said to look for alum in the spice aisle. I HAD looked in our largest local grocery chain in our town and could not find it, but then went to the local Safeway and BEHOLD! There it was. Thanks for nudging me to look for it again!


  1. what a lot of hard work to dye that wool! but it was worth it - you have achieved a beautiful colour and something knitted with hand dyed wool is just so special - that knitting project looks scarily complicated, I do admire you for the lovely things you make Nancy, Betty x

  2. Hi Nancy! Oh, how pretty! I love your gold! You are such a skilled knitter. I wish you lived closer so I could run over to your house for help.

  3. Wow, that is some serious dyeing going on. Fantastic results. Much happier than last week.

  4. Perfect end result to all of your hard work:) Have a blessed and beautiful day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  5. Oooh, pretty skeins! Such a great shade of yellow!

  6. Very well done; love those intense colors. Also, your blog header photo is rather fabulous as well.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!