
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Travertine and Scrabble

This travertine was beside the highway on the way to Durango.

Travertines are natural hot springs erupting from the ground, spewing not only water but also limestone and other minerals that solidify over eons, creating an unusual looking formation.  The surface is known as "tufa" (an excellent Scrabble word), a porous deposit that looks spongy.

At Ft. Lewis College, Scrabble was the game of the day.  Here is a picture of some competitors.

The tournament was held in a math classroom.  The most interesting things to observe there were poster pictures of mathematicians.  Such as:
And my favorite:

At a study hall across the corridor we saw four deer and a rabbit grazing and resting together.  I got several photos through a window, and this is one that processed better on the iPad:

It was a fun weekend, although we ran into snow on the way there.

And unbelievably, I achieved second place in the Late Bird, and won forty bucks, almost paying for gas to get to Durango!

On the knitting side, I finished these ballet slippers:


  1. Congrats on 2nd place! I know you had a wonderful time and got to see SNOW:) Enjoy your day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  2. Woo hoo! You go winning 2nd place. Man, you're a word sorceress! That hot spring is so cool.

  3. Hi Nancy,

    What a fun trip! I have never seen a travertine, or even heard of it before! That is a huge structure-very interesting!

    Your pictures of the snow and deer are great, and, oh, I love Albert Einstein!

    Congrats on your winnings, and have a great weekend! ♥


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!