
Friday, December 6, 2013

A Deep Freeze

It is beginning to look a little like Christmas around here.  I'll have some pictures to show you on Sunday, along with a post about Advent.  Floss in the UK sponsors a blog-along relating to Advent, and I have been reading up in anticipation of remembering the Baby's birth during Advent. 

For today, some cooking, perhaps.

It is -5 degrees outside and could almost look like this if we got on our snow clothes and took a picture! But we have not had nearly as much snow as my friends in the North, nor have we experienced those dangerous icy conditions on the roads.  Friends, remember to drive safely!

It is pretty outside since we had eight inches of snow in the past few days.  But I'm in my jammies (yes, still), perusing Pinterest and about to continue reading Amy Tan's The Valley of Amazement.  Finished another pair of ballet slippers and linking to Finished Objects Friday and Fiber Arts Friday.

How about you?  What's cookin' ?  Scones or cookies in this kitchen...

PS: you MUST see this Life Sized Nativity (Knit-tivity) Scene !  (and you thought YOU knit excessively?)


  1. Nancy, I'm glad you are safe and warm. Great sharing here. That life sized Nativity knit is amazing. I hope you do some baking today. I'm ready to drool.

  2. Have fun baking. It looks so cold, glad you are keeping warm. I love the slippers.

  3. We have snow on the way in the UK due next week - I have been busy getting gloves and scarves out ready. Youngest boy made mince meat and chocolate chip muffins at school - delicious! Betty

  4. Nothing cooking around here:) Love the pretty recipes and snow! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I just stumbled across my Susan Branch Christmas book and am excited to try some of the recipes. Looks like good knitting weather where you are!


  6. Oh the deep freeze! We'll be heading northwards in less than 2 weeks, having spent the last five Christmases in the warm sun of Oz it will be a shock to the system I'm sure. But we do miss the dark and miserable outside and the cosy warm and excessively indulgent atmosphere at this time of the year :) ... Love the ballet slippers!

  7. I love your snow picture, and baked apples have become a favorite of mine these past few years, warm and cozy! We've had a dangerous ice storm too, and I will pass on your wishes for all to be careful out there! Have a great weekend Nancy! ♥ Very pretty slippers!

  8. ooooh, those recipes look delicious. So far the snow has evaded us here in Michigan. I need it to look like Christmas.

  9. I'm sitting in our cool house, snuggled under a blanket with the pup next to me. I was supposed to walk a 5K tomorrow morning, but I'm guessing it will be cancelled with -20-25°F wind chills foretasted. I don't think I'm going even if it isn't cancelled - I'd rather stay home and decorate cookies with my toddler.

  10. I tend to keep an eye on the weather out your way because I have a friend in Boulder. Stay warm and off icy streets.

  11. love those slippers-I'm knitting my son a scarf for Christmas-hope it will be done! Good idea about making cookies!

  12. Those slippers are bee-yoo-tee-ful!
    I've been baking cookies, too...tomorrow it will be good to have at it again and get the house warmed up from the oven.


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