
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Week in Review

December 7-14, 2013
  • Weather

Record low temperatures this week here on the western slope of Colorado with -15 degrees!  Also we had 8 + inches of snow here.
  • Something New (to me)

Audible.  Love listening to books.  I've never bought more than a dozen audible book downloads, and usually from iTunes or Amazon.  But after listening to one of my favorite podcasts (The KnitGirllls), I was convinced to try an Audible subscription, with the first book free and twelve credits thereafter for a reasonable price.  As of yesterday, I'm listening to Life after Life, thanks Jean, and just purchased The Winter Sea by Suzanne Kearsley, thanks  to Woolythyme.
  • Knitting

on the Derecho shawl:

  • Food and recipes
Especially enjoyed root vegetable stew by the husband, Martha Stewart's cornbread and sausage dressing WITHOUT garlic and served with Cornish hens (thank you, Steph at KnitspiringOdyssey), spritz sugar cookies, and new coffee creamers (Mexican Cinnamon Chocolate by Lucerne is my favorite this week)

I may make cakes adapted from Gretchen's Nativity Cake recipe for the neighbors who so graciously shared their bountiful pumpkins, tomatoes and squash with us during harvest time.
  • Reading

finished The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani.  Giving it a grade of A-.

finished Amy Tan's Valley of Amazement.  Lots of reviews of the book out there.  Here is one recent review.  I would give it a grade of  B- for overall enjoyment.

still picking up Fredrick Beuchner's digital book Secrets in the Dark
  • Mailed

Cookies for Julie and a few little gifts

completed fairy for the fairy ornament swap.
  • Apps:

plugging along on "Flow Free" and  compulsively playing "Words with Friends".  Invite me to play under the name "templeton7" and we can compete on this sorta' Scrabble app.  Also using the new Audible app for listening to books and doing the daily word puzzle on "7 Words"
  • Christmas decorations

Set up Madonna and Child icons and votive candles
  • TV

the never ending funeral of Nelson Mandela, incredulous at the sign interpreter (did you see Jimmy Kemmel's take on the schitzoid interpreter?  I laughed.)

Enjoying some of the sweet little Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel, and movies from the books Diary of a Wimpy Kid (thanks, Charlotte).

"Magic of the Snowy Owl" (Nature), available through Dec. 25 on PBS Roku Channel

  • New blog friends I am stalking:

 barefootcrofter in Scotland
 Gladsome Lights in CA
 The Ellen Report
  • Linking to

Yarn Along with Small Things



  1. Hi Nancy - yes surprising about the Mandela signer/interpreter - I use British sign language and have to say that he certainly wasn't using anything I could understand apart from about every fifth word! Looking forward to seeing everyones' fairies - I was very pleased with my swap. Betty

  2. What a post. You have been busy with lovely crafting and such. The books sound good. The fairy's really cool.

  3. Hi Nancy, you had such an ehilirating week. So cold and lots of snow...the skiiers must be excited. Love your header picture and changes to your blog. This is a fun post, with your delicious cornish hen menu and great colors for your shawl.

    Stay warm, and have a good next week! ♥

  4. I haven't tried audibles but I do get audio books from the library all of the time...the bad part is the cd skipping. Love how the shawl is coming along.


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