
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Seize the Day

Carpe diem, said Horace.  We did.

Corn growing yesterday early morning, with the help of Gene's green thumb and God's good sun and water:

And, later in the day, it was eaten an hour after cutting it from nine foot stalks:

(the cosmos and coreopsis are now in full bloom)

A trip up to the mountains for lake fishing:

This scenery was behind me at one spot where I fished. A bearded "mountain looking" guy came by on the trail and said that he had been angling directly across from us, near where beaver had cut down trees for a small dam.  He said he moved because he could hear pups nursing in the brush beside him but decided to quietly move on because he did not want to disturb the mother and pups.  He said he figured it was beaver pups, but did not even try to get a peek.  Now that is a considerate fisherman.
breathtaking trees with the reflections mirrored on the lake

This little chipmunk kept crawling over my shoes and assortment box, trying to get into my trail mix.  Never did let him get a bite, though.  These creatures were seen frequently and had no fear of humans.  I suspect many people feed them, although it is not a park-approved practice.  This baby chipmunk was about six inches long.  He may have been the one to have stolen the top piece of bread from a bologna sandwich in a baggie, unbeknownst to Gene until he reached into the Ziplock to take a bite of lunch.

Total catch for the day: two fish. One was a splake (a cross between a lake trout and a brook trout) and one was a rainbow trout. The splake is an oilier fish with redder meat than what a rainbow trout sports.  It was delicious, tasting somewhat like salmon.

Besides the corn and the fish, our dinner was completed with tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden, along with cilantro butter from Kepanie's Pinterest pin::

That was our seizing of the day.


  1. Yay on the success of your garden. That corn looks so good. I have yet to try that recipe. We do like corn. Amazing how that baby chipmunk was all up in your grill. Brave little fellow.

  2. Hi Nancy! Oh, that is the best dinner ever! Fish and corn! So fresh!
    Your garden is gorgeous. I love the wild look in that one area!

  3. The scenes are amazing and I would love some fresh corn:) Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Oh my goodness...your photos of the lake and mountain are fabulous! A great reflection of the trees on the water. I really love your coreopsis and cosmos garden, and wish I would have planted some this year. Mine played out a few years ago...time to replace them after seeing yours! Your corn and fish look good, what an awesome and carefree venture!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!