
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Study Makeover and...Venice?

Still not through with that redecoration of my office. But a few snaps for my online diary.

Geraniums are snuggling in for their winter vacation indoors.

New bookcase, desk and side table ready for Scrabble and blogging and reading.

Now for Venice and George Clooney.

This is a picture of my darling daughter (right) when she still spoke to me.

Doesn't she look fairly happy and well adjusted? I thought so then. We were in Venice on a gondola waiting for a glimpse of the paparazzi. We would have had to wait a long while for a Clooney sighting; we departed Venice just a few years prior to the event.

yesterday, courtesy of Google

There is Clooney on a speedboat! Can you see him?  Still not sure what all the fuss is about the union.  What is your guess on the duration of that Hollywood marriage?


  1. Do geraniums still flower indoors during the winter Nancy? So sorry that you have lost momentum with your daughter, I hope it can be reconciled. Betty

  2. Oh, me, too! (What Betty said)
    Hollywood is silly but I guess it's because fans are silly, right?

  3. Hoping for reconciliation too. She's a beautiful girl. I think Mr Clooney must feel like the luckiest man on earth. His new bride is absolutely stunning, if a little too thin! They live on another planet though, eh? Lovely to 'see' you Nancy. Your home is so neat and orderly. x

  4. ps RE. the geraniums. I brought mine in last week but it's been so mild here, have popped them outdoors again. It seems they don't like being inside at the moment. One or two of them have gone spindly!

  5. OH MY... gotta bring my geraniums in too:) I don't know about the Clooney couple, they sure look good together! Hope it lasts! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  6. I love geraniums! And your study looks lovely. I'm sorry about your daughter.

    I have hope that GC and his new bride will be deliriously happy. I like a man who marries a smart woman.


  7. I'm whatever on the celebrity marriage but I wish them all. I really like your tables. True wood always appeals to me.

  8. Hi Nancy, just popping in a bit late I know. I do love your geraniums display, and your study looks very inviting so far. I have two large pots of geraniums outdoors, but they are now enjoying a small, refreshing change in the weather.

    Love your Venice photo, the smiles are so nice. And, oh my goodness!!! What a tiff about the Clooney marriage! You're right-what's all the fuss? And, it will be interesting to see how it all works out!

    Have a great week Nancy ♥


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!