
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lenten Season and New Starts

Joining in with Angela and the Henri Nouwen discussion groups, I have responded to this third Sunday in Lent, writing on this blog some thoughts about the Prodigal Son and how the elder son might have perceived being left at home.

Our church as been having soup lunches and dinners during the Lenten season, and we all pitch in and bring soup and bread after noon services on Wednesday.  Here is a recipe I have made several times, and it is a pretty darned tasty crock pot recipe:

On the painting front, I am in the throes of creating four panels, 10"x 30" each.  The term, according to Wikipedia is a "tetraptych."  It will be of a tree, in four colors.  Here is the first panel:

then again on the wall in the living room to see how the greens look against the peach colored paint on the walls...

Have a great week and make some delicious soup!


  1. Hi Nancy! Yummy! That soup sounds simple and tasty! Your art is so bright and stunning! Have a great week! Thank you for "pausing"!

  2. Fabulous panels and colors Nancy.

    Hugs Diane

  3. What terrific talent that travels out from your heart and fingers onto canvas. That chili recipe looks good! Warm and hearty.

  4. lovely tree panel - you know how much I love trees! Soup would be very nourishing and a complete meal I should think. Betty

  5. That soup sounds yummy:) I love using my crock pot! LOVE the painting! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I'm going to try the soup. It sounds perfect for the rainy days we're having.

  7. I like your paintings very much, and they look lovely on your walls!


  8. I made the soup, and it was very good! I took some to a friend who's undergoing chemo treatments, and she said the chili powder in it was just the "kick" she needed.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!