
Friday, June 5, 2015

Sharing Goodness

Indulge me in the sharing of the goodness I found and re-found today in searching the web.  Here are web sites, readily accessed in the future for perhaps Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) or recipes or music or books (if I remember this particular post).
Julie is at Colorado Canyons Hospital, back from South Carolina last week, and is faring well.  Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.  We hope for a Grand Junction placement soon.


  1. I continue to pray for Julie and all of you! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles!

  2. Prayers for Julie. Prayers for YOU.

  3. Dear Nancy - hang on in there and see my email - I mean it! E xx

  4. I'm glad Julie had an uneventful trip. Keeping her in my thoughts. Thank you for the mention!

  5. I LOVE this summer feeling
    many thanks!!

  6. Thank you for sharing those wonderful links. I love the fly curtain! I`ve taken a blog vacation so I`m catching up on your posts.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!