
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hand Spun Gifted Wool

An internet Scrabble friend whom I have virtually known for about seven years but have never met personally, sent me this:

An amazing gift of hand spun wool

This wool draped over a tomato cage is not even all he sent because I shared some with friends.  Natalie got right to work on her portion, knitting up a pretty shawl.  The darker and lighter colored two ply wool shown below will be worked up as the bottom piece of the wrap.  She is doing a good job of styling John's yarn into a usable creation.

My friend, John, spun all this wool himself.  It cost him a kings' ransom just to mail it from where he lives in Australia.  He and I have previously exchanged post cards; he sent me a picture of an Aussie wombat years ago.  He likes wombats.  I sent him something back, a watercolor methinks.

And not only does this John spin, he also knits.  He asked me via the chat line on the ISC forum several months ago if I needed something knit up: a baklava, or a hat. My reply was "no" because I happen to also knit.  But I asked him if he could spare some hand spun wool because I can't, don't, and will never spin wool.  

Lo and behold, he sent me over five pounds of hand spun Australian sheep wool.  Wow.  You should feel the lanolin in this wool, just marvelous.  Thank you, John!

This is the tomato plant not clad in wool, and it has produced three actual, edible tomatoes.

And this sweet little four inch tall angel was given me last week by the husband because he thought I needed a bit of extra love.  She is hanging off my newly replaced iPhone.  Replaced because the first one was in a sack in which iced tea was spilled, ruining the iPhone. Note to self: do not put your phone in a plastic sack with other items, especially one containing liquids. 

On the Julie front: after church this morning I am encouraging her to write a blog.  Her stepfather, her aunt, her uncle and I have all asked her to do this, but she has been unenthusiastic about it thus far.  It is now time to take the bull by the horns and sit down in front of a laptop plugged into some common room area at Mesa Manor and start the process.  Maybe next time I post it will be with a link to a Julie Created Blog.  We shall see.


  1. What an amazing gift. He must have spent hours and hours spinning all that wool up!

  2. Hope your Julie does find an interest in blogging, it's a great bit of escapism. Your wool looks beautiful and heavy, I bet it's going to knit up into the most wonderful creations in your talented hands. Betty

  3. What a wonderful gift! I know you were so excited to receive such a special gift! Julie should do a blog, I would read it for sure:) Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  4. A blog would be extremely self-expressive. I hope it lights a fire within her. And dang! What a SCORE! Handspun yarn all the way from Australia? Super cool.

  5. Such a marvellous gift and from the other side of the world. I just know you will knit it into something marvellous, dear Nancy. Your pretty angel is a lovely thoughtful gift too. I hope Julie does rethink the blog thingy. It would be a great release for her. Have a great week, Nancy. I love your new pic in your header too. x

  6. I can hardly wait to see what you knit from such a special gift, Nancy!! And that angel.... so sweet!

  7. Wow- what a fantastic friend you have found. That is gorgeous wool, and I think you can make several caps from that! Thanks for stopping by my blog too. It is always great to meet new on-line friend.

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