
Friday, November 20, 2015

November Meeting for Brush and Palette

November 17 marked a different venue for the B&P monthly meeting. Eleven women gathered in the back room of Artist's Haven to paint still life pictures.

B&P President Elise Lind (shown above) says it is one of her favorite meetings of the year when everyone is invited to show up, paint in their favorite medium, and share camaraderie.

Shown above is Laegan McGee as she was finding the angle from which to paint a still life of a silver service along with autumn squashes and apples.

After just a few hours, here are products from the group after viewing and painting the still life setups.

Trudy Ungaro brought delicious chocolate cinnamon rolls, yet no picture of either her or the dessert bread was snapped on Thursday. This photographer will try to do a better job of capturing the moments of B&P meetings in future posts.

Below is friend Shirley visiting with Julie and me this week at Mesa Manor.  She did not paint, but came along with me Tuesday to help start a small painting group at the Manor.  And she brought us her home made kraut burgers for lunch!  Our art group did not start out with much enthusiasm, but if I keep at it, more residents might likely become involved in a new outlet of mixing colors.  At the least, it spurred conversation.


  1. Lovely pics and wonderful paintings. Sotheby's (London) had a sale of Scottish Art the other day and although I could never buy anything because the prices are way beyond my reach, I just like to browse the catalogue and daydream! I looked up the pricetags after the auction ended and was truly astounded to see that each painting went for well over their higher estimate. Which just goes to prove that there is a lot of money going around the artworld. My consolation will be the Royal Scottish Academy of Art's Open Exhibition Sale, where you can purchase some stunning artwork at more affordable prices. Always great to see your posts, Nancy. x

  2. Oh that looks like fun to me:) Enjoy your Saturday dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Hi Nancy
    that looks so to paint too and a group would be funner(:)
    You are so good staying with the Fall theme till after Thanksgiving...
    HA...I have been a bad girl again this year..lights are out front ..multicolors..
    .............just needed the Cheeriness(:)

  4. I do hope your Manor painting group takes off - I went to a small group at a local church for a while but found I didn't get much done as there was so much chatting going on! Betty

  5. I'd be like Betty, completely distracted. I have to have privacy when I draw and paint, but it looks like everyone is having a ball! Happy Thanksgiving, good Nancy!

  6. Sometimes what's needed is a group of women simply enjoying themselves and each other.
    I believe I'm
    Thank you for your comment on my difficult post; very greatly appreciated.

  7. What a fun gathering. That's cool to paint w/friends, new and old.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!