
Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Year of the PIG!

Julie opens up a present.  Her laughter is priceless.

She said she wanted a pig for a pet when she returned to Colorado after Jack's death.  A live, breathing, eating, oinking pig: impossible. Substitutions were made in the pet category. Christmas presents of two stuffed pigs, Olivia the Pig pillowcases and a pink blanket with a pig emblazoned on the front account for 2015: Julie's Year of the Pig.

The robotic pig in the video has been dubbed "Wilbur." He snores, talks in his sleep and kicks his hind leg, all while his piggy belly heaves in deep breathing exercises while sleeping. The whole routine takes about a minute and is amazing.  The entire nursing home staff is enchanted with Wilbur, as is Julie.


  1. An unusual choice! and it must have taken some considerable time and care to find the perfect pig - happy Christmas to Julie x

  2. The perfect gift is the one that makes you giggle:) Julie will enjoy Wilbur forever! Have a blessed day dear Nancy! HUGS!

  3. I loved her laughter, Nancy!! Priceless!!!

  4. This is such a happpy Video. Thank you for sharing Wilburs happy arrival. Marion x

  5. What a wonderful gift! And I love Olivia, too, so thoroughly approve of both your porcine choices!



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