
Friday, December 11, 2015

We are Getting Married

Next week, on December 19 at the 8:00 AM Mass, the husband and I will have our marriage convalidated, and I will become a Roman Catholic after having been a member of the Lutheran Church for 25 years. How about that? And thank you, brother, for all the paperwork you sent in for this process to occur.  Our parish is in Grand Junction at Immaculate Heart of Mary.

From here:
Catholics who have married outside of the Catholic Church are encouraged to have their civil marriage recognized by the Church. We call this a convalidation. These couples, who were no doubt well intentioned and sincere in professing their vows outside of the Catholic Church, are not considered validly married in the eyes of the Catholic Church because Church law requires baptized Roman Catholics to marry before a bishop, priest, or deacon and two witnesses. If a couple finds themselves in this situation but want to have the Church officially recognize their marriage, then they should contact a priest in order to begin the process of convalidating their union. This process is usually not very difficult and often helps the couple live their faith more fully.
I told the husband I was expecting jewelry as this will be just as meaningful, if not more so, than our first marriage.  I'll let you know if he comes through.

Our 26th legally recognized marriage will occur on January 6, 2016, also known as the 12th Day of Christmas, and Epiphany. That date was prayerfully chosen back in 1989 so it would fall on the Day of Epiphany. You can figure out the significance.


  1. God bless! May God continue to guide you in this joy!

  2. Congratulations to you and your husband!! May God bless you both eternally!!

  3. How lovely Nancy! I've been a bit out of the blog-world over the last months - life has been very full-on but just wanted to send you a hug across the Atlantic and say that on the 19th I shall say a prayer both for blessings on your convalidation and on the new chapter you are opening in your Christian journey. In both may you know God's close presence with you. Both Advent and Epiphany are good seasons for embracing what God has to offer so I hope your Advent wedding is every bit as special as your Epiphany one. E xx

  4. Congratulations!! What a satisfaction it must be to join fully this way with your husband. I'll be interested to see the celebratory jewelry ;-) God bless you both and multiply your joy.

  5. Ho'omaka'i to you and your husband. I chuckled at your expectation. You deserve it girl.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!