Wall Panels (gifted) link here
Brush & Palette
I won Ten Bucks: link here
Path to Writing (started another blog) link here
February Tournament in Tempe (link here)
Julie and Jack's house
Boarding the AeroJet going back to Colorado from SC, May
Electric Assist Chair, June
Julie and Cindy and Charley in December
Completed a few needlepoint pieces in Jan. and Feb.
Path to Writing Workshop in January in Redstone, CO
Fabric Bowls
Eggs with Nail Polish
Path to Writing Workshop in January in Redstone, CO
Yarn Bowl
Painting at the Manor
Started an Art Group on Wednesday mornings at the Manor
Fabric Bowls
Eggs with Nail Polish
Dyeing Australian Wool with Natural Dyes
RCIA (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Gene and I attend RCIA sessions and I became Catholic in December, 2015 with first communion. Gene and I had our marriage convalidated by the Church on December 19 at a morning Mass.
Those Lost to Death
Jack Heniford York, SC) (1947-2015)
Lynn Pillman, Helena, MT (1950-2015) link to photos here
Gone but never forgotten.
Hope your year was good, and that 2016 is even better! God Bless You, Every One!