
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Juliet Update

Daughter Julie had a major surgery, planned, three days ago.  It was a GI thing, a procedure removing some bowel and a urostomy revision, among other cuttings.  For those of you who might have encountered this sort of thing, you know pain, quite a bit of pain, is involved.

For the first 48 hours after surgery, she was in pain.  She reported most every time that on a scale of one to ten, it was a 10.  Finally the on-call doc came in late yesterday afternoon and increased her medicine by 400 percent (gradually, of course).  The analgesic is Fentanyl, which the nurse said is one hundred times as strong as morphine.  When I left last evening, they were administering it and assured me she would be closely monitored.  She is on a cardiac unit now where she gets more intensive monitoring and nursing care.

Three angels from the manor staff came to see Julie the day after the procedure.  She laughed, talked, joked and thoroughly enjoyed their visit before crashing with low BP.  So she could not have been a 10 on the pain scale when those staff Angels came with a card signed by many people at the manor.  Julie was extremely touched by their caring (I was also). The pink stuffed creature they brought her is on her pillow most of the time.

Thank you for all your good thoughts, prayers, and warm spaces in your hearts for Julie.  This pain will get taken care of by today so the healing can begin.  I am sure of that.

Today is the second Sunday in Ordinary Times.  I am looking out for the extraordinary, seeking blessings as they occur, keeping eyes open for God's goodness, praying you are doing the same.

"For this very reason, make every effort 
to supplement your faith with goodness,
goodness with knowledge,
knowledge with self-control,
self-control with endurance,
endurance with godliness."


  1. I'm so sorry, Nancy. Praying for a good day today.

  2. I hope Julie finds relief from the pain soon! You both are in my prayers.


  3. I hope she stays comfortable. I'm glad she had some smiles from her fellow manor residents.

  4. I pray that Julie will have less and less pain with each day that goes by! I will continue to keep her and you in my prayers! HUGS!

  5. Blessings to you both, she must be a very special girl to be loved so much. Hope she is soon pain free and chirpy.

  6. Saying a prayer for comfort and healing for Julie and peace for you!

  7. Goodness that sounds horrible. Hope she continues to feel better every day :)

  8. Hoping Julie is pain free and more comfortable now! Prayers and hugs for all of you Nancy!

  9. Thank you for the update. May God give you both strength and peace!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!