
Thursday, January 28, 2016

This Week Mostly at Hospital

Our weekly RCIA Meeting on Tuesday night with Fr. Isaac and others, learning about the dignity of life in its many forms. Official Vatican Network published the gist of our discussion here; timely for the discussion.

It was my birthday Tuesday, with my husband providing some carrot cake refreshments that evening.  Thank you for birthday cards sent by Kathy M and Kathy W, Madge, Mary Kay, Pam, Sharon, Lynn and several others I cannot recall as this is being typed!

Knitting continues on two projects while sitting beside that hospital bed.  

I finished two books read aloud to Julie this week.  It makes time go by more quickly, although my voice sometimes gets froggy.

We have completed Karen Vorbeck Williams The House on Seventh Street and are rapidly getting through her other book, My Enemy's Tears.

Gene reads Mark Sweizer's Liturgical Mystery books to her (his second read aloud book now underway).  Gene has read them all and highly recommends them as light fun.

And Julie began her third week at St. Mary's Hospital...

She had a reaction to her antibiotics, enough to have it discontinued. It was changed to another one by IV last night. Her wound looked in order yesterday when they changed out the wound vac and put on another one. The wound care nurse at the manor came over to observe how the nurses changed it out so that the manor nurses could learn how to do it there. Julie will have it changed again tomorrow, and maybe she can go back to the manor late Monday on oral antibiotics. Maybe.


  1. oh, so sorry for this upset, how difficult.... will say a prayer for her today! and you and your husband! Sounds like you are doing a lot to keep her company. Loving knitting. May God bless you and give you some needed encouragement!

  2. Happy belated birthday, Nancy. The carrot cake looks yummy. I'm sorry Julie's had challenges with finding the right antibiotic for her. I hope she is generally okay in spirit and health. You and your husband take care of yourselves too.

  3. Happy Birthday girlie! Please tell Julie HI and I pray that each day will get better! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  4. What a long journey! I know you are all exhausted! I will pray that the weekend goes well.

  5. Although belated, Nancy, no less heartfelt is my wish you had a delightful birthday. May you celebrate many more in good health and happiness.
    Having knitting in your hands makes useful time and am prayerful Julie is doing better. Always take care of you first, ensuring there's plenty of you to help take care of others.
    I've been knitting hats while watching Lord Peter Wimsey and am now watching Jeeves and Wooster. It's about all I can handle, knit wise and am howling with laughter at Jeeves and Wooster...much needed laughter.

  6. Hang in there, friend. You have a kind and tender heart.

  7. Hang in there, friend. You have a kind and tender heart.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!