
Monday, March 7, 2016

Back at the Homestead

On Saturday, it was such a privilege to meet PomPom, whom I have followed on her blog for at least five years.  We have participated in Christmas swaps, and exchanged comments  on our blogs over many past posts.  She is a delightful, warm, sweet, loving person who has prayed me through many a trial (as has Sandra and many another, thank you very much).

Here is a picture of the two of us taken by PomPom on Saturday:

"That is God's call to us--simply to be people who are content to live close to Him and to renew the kind of life in which the closeness is felt and experienced." ~ Thomas Merton ~         (as read on Sandra's blog)
It was so kind of her to give me a fixed hour prayer book, The Paraclete Psalter.  I am reading today Psalm 24.  Thank you again, PomPom...prayers for your husband as he is in Taiwan this week.

Yesterday, I returned back from University Hospital in Aurora, leaving Julie for more medical care.  Over the weekend, she was bombarded with lasix (diuretics) and today is to have a follow-up echo-cardiogram to determine what levels of medications would be in her best interests to hold pulmonary hypertension (PAH) at bay. She might return this afternoon to Grand Junction by ambulance, or she might not.  The roads were to become icy by last evening, and Glenwood Canyon will be closed tomorrow during the daylight hours for repair from a previous rock slide. It is unlikely that Julie will have to be air ambulanced back to Mesa Manor here in Grand Junction.  But she might have to be in hospital until Wednesday when the roads are open and passable.  It appears we are back living in the wild west when wagon trains could not make it over the pass, which is almost the way it is over the Continental Divide in present day.

That reminds me of the book A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, a good read about a single woman in the mid 1800's, Elizabeth Bird.  Amazon says:

"A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains" is one of the many accounts of Isabella L. Bird's amazing travels and adventures. At the age of twenty-two in 1854 Isabella left a comfortable life in England for a life of adventurous travel. "A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains" is the account of six months of those travels in 1873 through the rugged terrain of the Colorado Rockies. Based upon her letters to her sister this account relates the many hardships of the great western frontier in the pioneer days as well as the awesome beauty of nature she found in the western territories.
But I digress.  Now the day lies ahead.  It is rainy and dark, a good day to finish up that Promenade shawl.  And wait to hear more news from University Hospital on its 254 acre campus, a city within a city.


  1. It's great that you two met up. I hope Julie will be nearer home soon and that any further journeys you make will be on safer road. Betty

  2. What beautiful ladies you and your friend are!
    I have been praying for Julie....And I'm going to look up the book you mentioned-sounds great.

  3. You and PomPom are so cute! I hope for further positiveness for Julie.

  4. Lucky, Lovely Ladies being able to meet-up. That book sounds really interesting. What a brave girl she was to set out at such a young age to the New Frontier. Healing vibes to your brave girl across the continents. xxx

  5. lovely picture! God bless you and Julie! I hope this week will be one of mercy and peace. the Psalms are so good for us to read!

  6. What a sweet picture of you two pretty ladies. I pray that Julie will get some answers and be back at the manor soon. Sending HUGS and prayers your way dear friend.

  7. Hi Nancy! I'm glad you returned safely! I'm sorry Julie isn't home yet. We had snow today so I am sure the mountain drive wasn't good.
    It was so nice to visit! What a treat. I am so glad you like the Psalter. I like it, too!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!