
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ring Neck Dove

Rather a good shot of a dove in our yard this week, don't you think?

Gene says it is of the invasive species brought in from Africa and Asia; it is called a ring necked dove. In Colorado, Fish and Game says there is no limit to hunting doves, but
TO HUNT EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVES, and other invasive species, you must have a hunter education card.
They also have a gentle nature, and are often kept as pets, so I will just look at them and listen to their cooing.  No dove hunting for me!

These are emerging from under mulched cottonwood leaves packed over by snow through winter:






Julie sent me 2 dozen tulips by mail!


Crocus (March 19)


  1. I have one of those 'invasive' doves in a huge cage in my living room!!! His name is Norton, and he's 23 years old. We love him to pieces. They are wonderful pets.

  2. wonderful!!! flowers and plants coming up is always so hopeful! I love doves too!

  3. Hi Nancy! I have green onions in the cucumber bed! Yes, hollyhocks, some herbs, and bulbs. I like the doves because we don't have that many hanging around. I call them the love doves.
    I'm SO ready for spring!

  4. oops my comment disappeared - we have doves like yours in the woods here nancy I can see them in the tree when I sit up in bed, they make a beautiful noise doin't they. Such pretty things. Isn't it amazing how far some of these birds travel and yet they are such delicate looking creatures.

  5. Wow. I've never seen a dove in person before. This is a good-looking one.

  6. That's a beautiful bird! We have mourning doves here--you always see them with their mates. They're my favorite birds because of their beautiful song.


  7. Hi, just letting you know that the initial list of books you asked about is on my blog today! may do a longer list later! :)

  8. Hi! am reposting the comment I made to your's on my blog. Thanks for it, btw!

    Here's what I wrote in case you would miss it:
    Welcome - well, I don't know that I can judge if anyone is ahead or behind but the older I get the worse I am it seems. God bless. I would recommend the Letters to an American Lady for your Julie...and the Elizabeth Goudge, and Narnia esp. if she's never read them.... God bless! I know you and Julie are in a difficult time in terms of her health!

  9. Oh it's beautiful:) It is nice to see the greenery coming back to life! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. Oh I so enjoyed seeing the ringneck dove - they were prolific in my home in South Africa. How on earth did they make their way over here...🤔...


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!