
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Photographic Mistakes

Thinking I was achieving a modicum of expertise with the camera, I snapped about two dozen or so pictures at the April 21 meeting of Brush and Palette with artist Kay Crane kindly providing the demonstration.  With humility and regret I report now that, every single one was lost due to my error. During the editing process, I inadvertently erased the entire album from my computer.  Alas, even after consulting experts from Google and Picasa, it was confirmed that I did the biggest no-no ever by deleting the album with one wrong key stroke.  The April meeting will go down without any visuals saved for posterity.  And Kay presented so well.  And we had a different venue for the meeting, with colorful backgrounds.  It is like telling you I caught a big fish, but he got away.  Those pictures were pretty good, really they were.

I was humbled by this faux paux but struggle forward and continue to volunteer my humble photographic efforts.  On May 7, about 50 individuals will be receiving their First Eucharist at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, and a photographer is needed to record their special day.  Yep, I will try.

Here is one picture of a baptism I photographed at the Easter Vigil service that has to be tops for sweetness and innocence appeal.

On the daughter front, she is getting along.  Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary since her husband's death.  You can imagine how that is impacting Julie.  She bought flowers this week for Sunday services in their former church in Rock Hill, SC to commemorate that anniversary.

Knitting: Reyna Shawl, about 1/3 completed and linking with Ginny and her Yarn Along:

Click on the Yarn Along Box to see what others are sharing this week on Ginny's blog


  1. so sorry about the loss of pictures! and may God comfort Julie, the 1 year anniversary is hard. God bless you all. the picture of the baptism is so beautiful!

  2. Oh Nancy don't be so hard on yourself! it is indeed a shame the pictures were lost but easily done (and just as easily forgiven)!! Blessings to your Julie, I hope she will be able to focus on happy memories and celebrate the time she had with her husband.

  3. Oh yikes! I'm sorry you lost the pictures. I can't believe it'll be a year already. I hope Julie is okay. Good progress on your shawl.

  4. Yikes! I didn't know that pictures could be lost so easily! I'm so sorry!
    I hope Julie fares okay as she faces the one year landmark.
    I love your shawl!

  5. Oh NO:( I have done some things before that couldn't be un-done! SO sorry that this happened! I will be praying for Julie as she remembers her love! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way my friend!


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