
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Homestead for Sale

Our home for almost 20 years is now for sale.

It is with mixed feelings that Gene and I are selling, along with all the hard work that has gone into it, from choosing a floor plan, to building on a vacant lot, then forwarding on to create a home. 

(nostalgic pictures from 1996 as we were building)
(Larry Bennett was builder)
(late 1996)

(August, 2016 our house for SALE!)

You can imagine the reasoning that has gone into the decision to sell, if you have been following this blog for a while.  It is difficult to say that the return of cancer is nudging us along, because that ugly disease is not going to make me a victim. I do so want to be the Girl on the Right. SHE would not be a victim.

My brother John and SIL Char were here this week and John was a trooper, helping to fix the garden gate, transplanting iris into a big pot, trucking dead foliage into the pit, and helping to move a 75 year old workbench and heavy oak table onto the back of a friend's pickup bed.  The workbench and table have already found a new home thanks to Marianne, Judy and Bill.

We also had some recreational time.  SIL tickled heads for Julie and me while Uncle John photographed. We had some good days together.

Today starts day 9 of 21 days for the first cycle of the Ibrance chemo drug at 125 mg/day with expected side effects (SE) of fatigue and woozy-ness.  Not too bad, and SE should diminish as time goes by.

Pictures tomorrow of a Girls on the Right Luncheon with friends and salads and summer drinks on the patio.


  1. I'm glad it wasn't a bad start with this chemo drug Nancy. I'm sorry you have to move but I love your fighting spirit.

  2. May your move be made with a minimum of obstacles, and the new place be a place for living life to the fullest.

  3. I don't like change but have done the same thing twice. I get attached to my home, but we must make that move sometimes. I know that God will lead you. I am praying every day that the cancer will leave you and never come back. HUGS

  4. New beginnings Nancy, a clean page in a new book for you - blessings. Betty

  5. Beautiful home but you will make the next set of bricks and mortar just as beautiful. Celtic blessings from me too!xxx

  6. This kind of change is so hard - even though I wanted to move from my last house, I cried with homesickness after I did. It must seem like it was just the other day you were building your house - and so much of you is in it.

    It sounds as though you are following, with God's grace, the advice from Victor Hugo on your sidebar. It sounds so simple, when encapsulated in one sentence, but labor, and patience, and tasks all represent struggle. May God uphold you, Nancy, and give you joy.

  7. Oh Nancy... Having been absent from blogland I was unaware of your health... until tonight. Just thought of you and decided to hop in for a quick visit... I have no words, for they may all sound empty. But I will pray my inadequate words and trust that our Lord will intercede with groans unutterable to meet your, Gene's and Julie's needs in every way... Hugs... and a couple of tears... as Jesus wept when things were not the way they were supposed be... may He bottle our tears, calm our fears, and bring us to joy everlasting.

  8. Great video of the house! I remember that gravel pile real well. :)

  9. Hmmmm. I missed this post! Your house is lovely. The garden is evidence of a BIG appreciation of God's beauty. I think of your fence painting when I look back at our old fence.
    Praying for your next homey home, Nancy.
    The head tickler looks like a very gentle soul.
    God be with you this day, good girl.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!