
Friday, August 5, 2016

Random Pictures Shared with Yarn Along

Gorgeous lilies, roses and mums that Cookie brought me yesterday for our lunch together; I forgot to give her dessert, bad on me.

A favorite:

A second tree limb fell this week in our back yard; confirmation that it is time to move.  That back area is too much work for the DH.

A picture of our pretty lilies:

St. Brigid is my patron saint!

It has been hot this August!  Don't you love this picture of birds trying to escape the heat!

Progress on my Rainbow Trail sweater is coming along.  Joining in with Ginny in her weekly Yarn Along.

Marianne and I made two angels yesterday for the church bazaar, proceeds to help fund the food bank.  Isn't she pretty?  It took us over an hour to make just one each, amply filled with sweet smelling lavender.  Each time you hold the angel and give her a little squeeze, more aroma is released. Wish the colors showed up better but I took it against the lighting.  More to come, with better pictures.  She has about a dozen ready, and they will be shown again.  Thanks for playing and teaching me how to make the angel, Marianne!


  1. fun sweater! so sorry about needing to move; but good to realize; praying for you. I am going to light a candle for you again today! St. Bridget is wonderful!!! lots of love sent your way! <3

  2. Argh! Tree work IS overwhelming! I love your sweater!

  3. You forgot dessert?! that's a great excuse for you to have your friend come back! Betty

  4. What a sweet little angel:) Love the sweater and the colors! Hope you don't get any more limbs to fall:( Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. What lovely times you've been having with friends. Glad no one was hurt with that fallen branch. It's pretty hot if the birds are trying to escape the heat. Wow; that is a first I've seen something like that.

  6. The quote speaks to my heart...although the dogs, cats, horses, etc. have something to add...which is, TUFF! Get up and take care of's all about US so hop to it, Mom!
    Today I went to the birthday party of a 90 year old cousin of my MIL; amazing! People came up to me, called me by name and I had no clue who they were but they were gracious, kind and pleasant. It reminded me that, sometimes, I need to get off the farm.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!