
Monday, October 24, 2016

Mary Prayer Garden Establishment

Two enterprising Mesa State University coeds worked over the weekend in our new back patio area to help create a meditation garden. "Before" pictures three days ago would have shown aspen tree branches hanging down to the ground, completing obliterating the view of a raised tree bed area. If only pictures had recorded progress from Friday through Sunday... 
(Friday afternoon, half way finished pruning)

Megan's dad, a horticulturist, Face Timed with her and helped us decide which aspen branches to remove (all below fence line). Then Allie and Megan put their shoulders and backs to the test and trimmed branches, hauled gravel away from the bed, raked in a dozen bags of topsoil and compost, and planted a stature of the Virgin Mary in an elevated pot, placing St. Frances in another small stand of trees in the corner.  Water added, task completed!

(birds and bunnies placed beside St. Frances)
The young women are helping to finance their Alternative Spring Break to El Salvador in 2017, sponsored by The Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Parish.  What a win-win proposition for us! 

Allie and Megan did excellent work and created a peaceful, spiritual, meditative space. We are all anxious to see how this space looks after the ajuga gets rooted in for the winter, with future herbs to be planted around the border of the bedded area. Thank you, girls!


  1. It's beautiful Nancy. A great idea to plant the statue in a pot. And, St. Francis is always a comforting site. Hope you are doing well, have a wonderful week!

  2. that's nice! I hope it is a peaceful place for you to go to and pray. We still are praying for you. Sending love!

  3. How KIND and in a day and age when kindness is sorely underrated, this is most kind indeed!

  4. That's an interesting partnership. What a great experience for these kids.

  5. Hi Nancy! What a great idea and WHAT a blessing that your helpers are such fine girls!

  6. What a wonderful prayer garden:) SO kind of these girls doing God's work! Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  7. a lovely idea, it will be a blessed place to spend time.

  8. That will be a blessed place, literally. I hope eventually to have a shrine in a corner of my garden, with an icon... haven't decided of whom, but probably Christ Pantocrator.... I had my priest, and his wife who is an iconographer, over for lunch to sit in the garden and give me an opinion about where to put the icon stand. So now I know that part. It seems to be a long process for me!

    Are the mums in your garden, too? Just this week I bought a pot of them at Trader Joe's that are exactly the orangey color of the ones in the lower left corner of your picture at top.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!