
Friday, May 11, 2018

Smug Mugs

Our coffee group made mugs.  And we are proud of them.  You might even consider us smug because those mugs are so clever.  But, in confession, I admit it was a borrowed idea from Popsugar.  She thoroughly explained the process - and here is one of our cups signed with colored Sharpies.

After signatures and baking for 45 minutes, the mugs cooled their handles and posed for a group shot.

This is our some of the Tuesday gathering saying "Here's to Ya."

Now that you have had a look at these personalized mugs, why not try it for older kids next month for one of their Vacation Bible School activities?  Maybe use an apt Scripture instead of signatures, or even in addition to signatures on mugs (each kid brings one from the dollar store or the teacher could graciously round up those mugs).

Have you jumped on the bandwagon led by Jordan Peterson and his book 12 Rules for Life?  This web link goes to more information than you can assimilate in a day, but dip your toe in and find a few profound life rules. Use one of those quotes on a mug, and I wager than any child who keeps his mug intact will, for many a day, ponder the saying that he or she has penned on that souvenir mug.


  1. How lovely to 'see' you Nancy. Great job on the mugs. Rules for life don't hold much interest for me at the moment with a seriously ill sister in hospital. It's hard trying to maintain a normal everyday routine as it is. I hope you are in good health Nancy.They're advertising for Shetland Wool Week again right now. Maybe one day I'll get there. Good weekend to you.xx

  2. Love that idea! Such cute mugs and the pic of you all holding them is precious:) Have a blessed day dear Nancy, HUGS!

  3. that's a great idea for large groups!

  4. I love that you got together and did some crafting.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!