
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Van Gogh Weekend

Let's start out by announcing the winner of my give-away last week regarding the Make Do and Mend post. The not-so-scientific approach of using a random generator resulted in having the husband pick a number from 1 to 14, and he chose a random number of "8".  The eighth post was from Ann at Tin and Sparkle.  I will be sending Ann the piece of needlepoint this week.  Yea Ann!

The prior three days were spent in Denver with friend Kathy and Ellen, her 11 year old daughter.  We visited the Van Gogh exhibit.  It was excellent.  Read all about it here. Fine art and painting are some of the things that I count as blessings. (Linking to Inspiration Avenue's weekly challenge of Count Your Blessings.)

Inspiration Avenue Challenge Link

This picture (1889) was the one I spent the most time examining because Van Gogh did not follow the rules, yet created a masterpiece.  Do you see what I mean? ( Hint: clouds)  Do you like the blues?

linking to Blue Monday

Niece Cindy was singing with the Sweet Adelines.  Her group had an international competition last week in Denver with over 4000 participants, and she seemed to be having a great time.  We had dinner and caught up on family.

Then on to Kathy's activities: Ellen played a basketball game (her mom and I cheered), we shopped a bit, we had an outdoor iced tea at a local restaurant, we ate at the Olive Bargain (ok, Olive Garden) and Kathy hosted her sister's birthday party one evening.

One of Kathy's other four sisters (right in light blue) helped in the festivities.  The birthday girl is in dark blue and Ellen is in yellow. Kathy is in white on the left.

The color on the trees was absent on the drive between Grand Junction and Denver due to cold weather, but I will leave you with this lovely autumn picture.

Yes, I am almost finished with the ottoman makeover and will post this week about its completion.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time with family! Love the fall pic! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. YAH me!! I will e-mail you my address. Sounds like your trip was varied with lots of fun activities. Love the picture of all the ladies. My Son and family lives in Colo, and my DIL is a artist, I'm sure she will be visiting that exhibit. Again thanks to you and your hubby for the giveaway.

  3. Lucky you!!!
    He is my favorite painter because I love COLOR!

  4. Hi Nancy,

    Ooo, you are late; I'm so sorry. Blue Monday is every Monday from midnight EST until after 11pm EST.

    I'm sorry that you missed it. I do hope you try again--maybe next Monday.


  5. What a great way to spend those three days.

  6. Sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could see some of his work again sometime; been a long time since I was in DC at the National Gallery. That beautiful autumn photo looks like a greeting card.

  7. Hi Nancy,
    Congratulations to your niece! Wow! :D

    I love Van Gogh and pumpkins, no relation to one another of course, lol!

    Much to my dismay, when I popped over here for a visit I realized I was not a follower! YIKES! Well, I fixed that problem quick as a bunny :D


  8. What little I know about art centers around Van Gogh ... I love that he was such a rule-breaker. I read that he painted his famous "Starry Night" from an asylum ... I don't know if it's true or not, but I love the thought of it.

  9. Interesting! I never heard that about Starry Night.

  10. I enjoyed your post very much! I love Van Gogh's work. It sounds like you had a terrific weekend.

  11. Oh how wonderful that you were able to see Van Gogh's art in person! Of all the artists in the world, the one who has totally grabbed my heart since my teens and won't let go is Vincent!
    and then Cindy sings with the Sweet Adeline's! wow what fun! great post Nancy!! :D


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!