
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Easy Pumpkin Muffins

Want to make a batch of pumpkin muffins, stirred up in less time than it takes to read this post?  Why not?
Two ingredients and a few spices with no liquid...really. Plus they stay moist and freeze well.

Thanks to AllRecipes with the directions found here, they turned out tasty.  Ingredients: one packaged cake mix and one can pumpkin with extra pumpkin spices.  No liquid.

They were so pumpkin-y and moist.

One last picture.  My husband found this little mouse trying to scare the kids away last night and hung it up on the front door to discourage further varmints from trying to scurry in.

Here is to a great November!


  1. Pumpkin muffins look festive - your little mouse was fun. I had a jar of caterpillars on the doorstep marked 'giant maggots'. They came from a nasturtium plant that had been eaten to bits and were very conveniently to hand. The starling picture is pretty - I love the glint of purple and green you see in their feathers. Something wing themed is heading your way in the post. Betty x

  2. Yummy looking muffins and a scary little mouse:) I will share this with my daughter, she LOVES pumpkin ANYTHING! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  3. Now those are my kind of muffins! They look so yummy. Happy November!

  4. oh that poor little mouse!! lol, lovely muffins!!!

  5. Those pumpkin muffins look yummy. I love pumpkin in sweet things like this. Haven't got a packaged cake mix in the cupboard but am going to improvise I think! Love the mouse hanging off the door knob! E x

  6. Aha, I recognise that book! I have a soft spot for starlings and she's captured their sheen perfectly there hasn't she :D

  7. Hi Nancy! Great to meet you and thanks bunches for popping over to my blog to say Hi! :D Those muffins sound very tempting and as I love everything pumpkin I think I might just have to try them!
    Happiest of November's to you as well...

  8. Oh boy do those pumpkin cupcakes looks delicious!

  9. Poor mousy!
    They are giving away pumpkins at the grocery store!
    I have a lemon loaf to eat! The pumpkin muffins look delicious!
    Happy November, Nancy!

  10. Hi! Thanks for the link to the Pumpkin muffin recipe. I will make them for sure. Love all your pictures! November already, wow!

    I just took a pumpkin pie out of the oven. Smells so good! Have you had snow yet? We are 70`s and 40 or so at night.

    Take care Nancy!

  11. {Shudder} I hurried past the mouse. But not the muffins--they look amazing. My sister makes chocolate chip muffins each week in case they have new people at church. It's a nice welcome bag for them. If there are any left over she shares. How I wish I lived closer--ha. I'm taking your word for how good they are and making some. Although if I add anything it will be raisins.

  12. That little mouse is so realistic! I bet the kids loved it!


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