
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cornbread, Cardigans and Canines

A few days ago, I shared some cornbread with a friend.  The recipe had absolutely no flour in its list of ingredients, so I figured it would be good for her "no gluten whatsoever" current diet plan.  Warning her that it would be very filling and loaded with calories because of the butter and cheese involved in its makeup, she willingly took it. Click for recipe.

The next day she e-mailed me and said something like "thanks for the cornbread...very light and delicious." Thought that was hilarious as she obviously had not even taken a bite of that dense cornbread.

On to my cardigan knitting, the Delancey Cardigan found here. It has stripes that point downwards with a chevron stripe motif which makes it a flattering style.  Thinking I had memorized the pattern well enough to continue knitting on and on, I later found out (and too late!) that I had missed a "slip two, knit one" at the beginning of the side, so had to rip out an hour's worth of work.

It actually could have been worse, since when knitting the Delancey I was watching the latest episode of "Downton Abbey", not really paying much attention to the knitting.  Friend Jan said the Brits were a bit up in arms about that episode with Anna Bates being victimized.  You can see an interview with Anna (Joanne Froggat) at this link as both she and writer Julian Fellowes discuss the episode. It's a wonder I got even a stitch made since the episode caught me in its emotional and visual grasp.

Of course, I was using my shrinky dink Downton Abbey knitting markers with the tv up loud and clearly empathizing with Mr. Bates.

I do have a few markers left from when I made them last year, so if you want two, I'll send you them postage paid.  Just leave a comment telling me your favorite actor from the series. Will draw from comments for the winner if there is more than one reader interested.

And the canines?  They are an expensive pair this month as BOTH had to have their annual check ups, vaccinations and dental cleanings.  We are not the first to think the IRS should give us a tax break on their medical expenses.

"We are cute and our teeth are clean."

Reading The Gravity of Birds, courtesy of sister Pam.  Sewing on a Vogue Pattern ( 8731).  What are you up to?


  1. Well the recipe you sent me I have to admit I haven't looked at properly yet but I do intend to make it - don't care how calorie laden it is either! Glad you have your pets regularly vaccinated - our local vet has an amnesty where owners who have been absent on the vaccine front can come in and get a reduced price to get back on track.

  2. You made me laugh about the cornbread - it looks good though and just right for a bleak January day. Glad you're gripped by the Downton latest series - compelling stuff and many a twist and turn to follow but I'll say no more or I'll be guilty of spoilers! I love Downton and really enjoyed this year's Christmas special as well as the series - you have much enjoyment ahead of you. Some critics say the plot isn't fast enough in this series but for me half the enjoyment is the characters just being themselves so I don't agree with that. How annoying you had to frog an hour's work - worth it though - the cardigan looks lovely. E x

  3. Great colors for your cardigan. Was the cornbread spicy? In the Barefoot one I had used I really had to use whole jalapeƱos to get that slight kick.

  4. Oh I can't imagine having to UN-DO all of that work! I know that you got it fixed:) Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

  5. Argh! I don't want to watch Downton anymore after that episode!
    Your shrinky dinks are cute!
    I love those pups. They look very happy!
    Your sweater is marvelous, too! Go, Nancy, go!

  6. Hard to say since I love Anna and Bates equally. But I have not been watching this season as I feared they would go overboard with some horrible crisis. Love the pups!!!

  7. Love the orange and grey together!

  8. oooooh, I love the colors of the cardi! I can't wait to see it finished. The stitch markers are perfect. Love Downton Abbey.

  9. Oh, I have to be careful watching anything gripping while knitting! I mess up when I pay attention, it's so much worse when I am distracted!

  10. Love the stitch markers! Can't decide on my favorite character--either Mr. Carson or Mrs. Hughes, I think. I'm working on a sweater, too. It's the right time of year for it!



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