
Monday, March 31, 2014

Show Off Your Marigolds

Happy, insect repellent, glorious marigolds !

A native of Mexico, marigolds have been grown in gardens throughout the world for hundreds of years. Today, they are one of the most popular bedding plants in the United States. Marigolds are easy to grow, bloom reliably all summer, and have few insect and disease problems. The marigold’s only shortcoming (for some people) is its pungent aroma. There are numerous marigold varieties available to home gardeners. Many of the commonly grown marigolds are varieties of African and French marigolds.  (source)

Exploding a myth:

While marigolds are seldom bothered by insects and diseases, they are not problem free. Spider mites can devastate marigolds in hot, dry weather. Grasshoppers can also cause considerable damage. Aster yellows is an occasionally disease problem. In a related matter, some gardeners plant marigolds in their vegetable gardens to repel harmful insects. While the marigolds are an attractive addition to the garden, research studies have concluded they aren’t effective in reducing insect damage on vegetable crops.

dried marigolds for sale here

My contribution to Inspiration Avenue this week is a painted marigold:

Oils, 11" x 14" copyright McCarroll

What is in your marigold world this week?  Come and join in the fun and show us YOUR marigolds, be they plastic or ceramic, or even REAL from your garden!  Go over to Inspiration Avenue and show us your marigolds!


  1. As you have said there are many varieties of Marigold. Flower looks very beautiful. We have two different kind of it!

  2. Love your Painting!!!! Marigolds are one of my favorites:) Have a blessed day, HUGS

  3. I am always so amazed how at how you are constantly inspired and act upon it immediately. You are a great painter.

  4. I do love marigolds, especially the variegated yellow and red variety. They do well here and I bet they do well on your side, too.
    I hope YOU are doing well, Nancy.

  5. Hi Nancy! I am off to get some marigolds this weekend. I like the large yellow ones. And, it is true. I have had the orange colored ones just totally disappear in the ground from something that got them. And, I've planted them in the vegetable garden before, with no luck on repelling insects-in face, they were eaten alive.

    Last year I got the big yellow ones, and put them in a pot. They were gorgeous all summer and into the fall! So that's what I will do again. I love your painting, Nancy-take care! ♥

  6. And, oh yes! I got some new, lovely red geraniums over the weekend. Will have to get them planted in a day or two. I lost mine to the harsh winter last year.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!